Anders Johansson
Showing 31 publications
Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings
Simulation of wheel-rail contact and damage in switches & crossings
Simulation of wheel–rail contact and subsequent material degradation in switches & crossings
Under Sleeper Pads - Influence on Dynamic Train-Track Interaction
Rail Corrugation Growth - Influence of Powered Wheelsets with Wheel Tread Irregularities
Under sleeper pads – influence on dynamic train–track interaction
Out-of-Round Railway Wheels - Assessment of Wheel Tread Irregularities in Train Traffic
Out-of-Round Railway Wheels - Assessment of Wheel Tread Irregularities in Train Traffic
Prediction of Rail Corrugation Generated by Three-Dimensional Wheel-Rail Interaction
Integrerade beräkningsmodeller för användning inom Banverksprojektet "Hjulskador"
Prediction of Rail Corrugation Generated by Three-Dimensional Wheel-Rail Interaction
Out-of-Round Railway Wheels - Literature Survey, Field Tests and Numerical Simulations
Train-Track Interaction and Mechanisms of Irregular Wear on Wheel and Rail Surfaces
Railway Wheel Out-of-Roundness - Influence on Wheel/Rail Contact Forces and Track Response
Models for Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity - Integration and Calibration
The release of monoterpenes during convective drying of wood chips.
Models for Cyclic Ratchetting Plasticity - Comparison and Integration
The influence of the drying medium on high temperature convective drying of single wood chips.
High temperature convective drying of wood chips with air and superheated steam.
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