Ahmet Anil Sezer

Part-time fixed-term teacher at Construction Management
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Showing 20 publications


Site managers’ ICT tools for monitoring resources in refurbishment

Ahmet Anil Sezer, Jan Bröchner
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management. Vol. 27 (1), p. 109-127
Journal article

Effects of construction industry support for PhD projects: The case of a Swedish scheme

Jan Bröchner, Ahmet Anil Sezer
Industry & higher education. Vol. 34 (6), p. 391-400
Journal article

How to attract knowledge workers: Company size, gender, age and education as moderators

Ahmet Anil Sezer, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema, Pernilla Gluch
RESER conference: Services in the age of contested globalization
Paper in proceeding

Från idé till affär: Framgångsrika innovationsprocesser inom samhällsbyggandet

Jan Bröchner, Ove Lagerqvist, Ahmet Anil Sezer

Factors influencing building refurbishment site managers' waste management efforts

Ahmet Anil Sezer
Journal of Facilities Management. Vol. 15 (4), p. 318-334
Journal article

Ombyggnadsplatschefers syn på IT och avfallsfrågor

Ahmet Anil Sezer, Jan Bröchner
Bygg & teknik. Vol. 109 (2), p. 43-45
Magazine article

IT support for contractor monitoring of refurbishment projects

Jan Bröchner, Ahmet Anil Sezer
Integrating Information in Built Environments: From Concept to Practice, p. 150-159
Book chapter

Platschefer om: Avfallshantering i ombyggnadsprojekt

Jan Bröchner, Ahmet Anil Sezer

Mätning av produktivitet i ombyggnadsprojekt

Ahmet Anil Sezer, Jan Bröchner

Contractor use of productivity and sustainability indicators for building refurbishment

Ahmet Anil Sezer
Built Environment Project and Asset Management. Vol. 5 (2), p. 141-153
Journal article

Building refurbishment site managers' waste management practices

Ahmet Anil Sezer
CIB Joint International Symposium Going North for Sustainability, p. 555-565
Paper in proceeding

ICT use in delivery of uncertain and complex project services: the case of building refurbishment

Ahmet Anil Sezer, Jan Bröchner
Proc. RESER 2015 Innovative Services in the 21st Century
Paper in proceeding

The construction productivity debate and the measurement of service qualities

Ahmet Anil Sezer, Jan Bröchner
Construction Management and Economics. Vol. 32 (6), p. 565-574
Journal article

Refurbishment certification schemes: aspects of productivity and sustainability

Ahmet Anil Sezer
Conference Proceedings for World SB14 Barcelona, p. 223-231
Paper in proceeding

Indicators of environmental and productivity performance for building refurbishment projects

Ahmet Anil Sezer
29th Annual Association of Researchers in Construction Management Conference, ARCOM 2013; Reading; United Kingdom; 2 September 2013 through 4 September 2013. Vol. 2, p. 949-957
Paper in proceeding

Construction productivity growth and business services

Ahmet Anil Sezer, Jan Bröchner
Economies et Societes. Vol. 47 (3-4), p. 509-529
Journal article

Environmental assessment tools and efficiency in housing and office refurbishment

Ahmet Anil Sezer
28th Annual Conference on Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2012; Edinburgh; United Kingdom; 3 September 2012 through 5 September 2012. Vol. 2, p. 1331-1341
Paper in proceeding

Services, goods and business client productivity: Learning from construction

Jan Bröchner, Ahmet Anil Sezer
Proc. RESER 2011 Productivity of Services NextGen - Beyond Output/Input, Hamburg, 8-9 September 2011, p. 88-89
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 2 research projects


Mätning av produktivitet i ombyggnad och renovering

Jan Bröchner Service Management and Logistics
Ahmet Anil Sezer Service Management and Logistics
Swedish Construction Federation


Productivity and sustainable refurbishment

Jan Bröchner Service Management and Logistics
Ahmet Anil Sezer Service Management and Logistics

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