Alberto Alamia
Showing 14 publications
Bark as feedstock for dual fluidized bed gasifiers. Operability, efficiency, and economics
Evaluation of Steel Mills as Carbon Sinks
Performance of large-scale biomass gasifiers in a biorefinery, a state-of-the-art reference
Assessment of waste heat recovery for a power generation system based on Volvo dual fuel engines
Process Simulation of Dual Fluidized Bed Gasifiers Using Experimental Data
Indirect gasification production of biomethane for use in heavy-duty state-of-the-art gas engines
Design of an integrated dryer and conveyor belt for woody biofuels
Fuel Quality Analysis for Biogas Utilization in Heavy Duty Dual Fuel Engines
Hydrogen from Biomass Gasification for Utilization in Oil Refineries
Fuel Quality Analysis for Biogas Utilization in Heavy Duty Dual Fuel Engines
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