Ana Carolina Bertassini

Postdoc at Environmental Systems Analysis 01

Postdoc researcher at Environmental System Analysis division, at the Department of Technology Management and Economics. Her research is part of a project called "TwinWins" funded by the Kamprad Foundation. Her research focuses on measuring the environmental performance of sustainable business models using the method business model-LCA. Besides the environmental perspective and its connection to the business model, her research also includes a social perspective on the performance of sustainable business models. Ana mainly teachs Circular Economy, Environmental Management and Environmental Measurement subjects. Innovation, change management and innovation towards sustainability and circularity are also part of her background and her research interests.

Image of Ana Carolina Bertassini

Showing 1 publications


Sustainable Business Models Assessment: what are the social dimensions?

Ana Carolina Bertassini, Henrikke Baumann
NBM2024: 9th International Conference on New Business Models
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


TwinWins: Measuring business model environmental performance

Henrikke Baumann Environmental Systems Analysis
Ana Carolina Bertassini Environmental Systems Analysis
Anna Wikström Project and Centre Management
Kamprad Family Foundation

5 publications exist
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