Navid Amani
Navid Amani is a PhD student in Antenna systems research group, particularly involved in Silicon Based Ka-Band Massive MIMO (SILIKA) project. The goal is to examine the most promising irregular sparse array (ISA) architectures in order to identify both fundamental and practical limitations of such antenna systems for Massive MIMO applications. A holistic system-level approach is employed to characterize MIMO transceiver base station antennas in two extreme propagation scenarios of a 'real-life' channel, i.e., the so-called edge reference environments: Rich Isotropic Multipath and Random Line-of-Sight. The element geometry and array layout will be optimized by using the compressive sensing approach for the synthesis of maximally sparse arrays in the presence of antenna mutual coupling.
Showing 17 publications
Towards Distributed and Intelligent Integrated Sensing and Communications for 6G Networks
Sparse Array Synthesis Including Mutual Coupling for MU-MIMO Average Capacity Maximization
Uniform Linear Arrays With Optimized Inter-Element Spacing for LOS Massive MIMO
Sparse Array Architectures for Wireless Communication and Radar Applications
Antenna Systems for 5G mm-Wave Radio Access
Array Configuration Effect on the Spatial Correlation of MU-MIMO Channels in NLoS Environments
Multi-Panel Sparse Base Station Design with Physical Antenna Effects in Massive MU-MIMO
Towards a Generic Model for MU-MIMO Analysis Including Mutual Coupling and Multipath Effects
MIMO-Sparse Radars for Enhanced DOA Estimation of Spatio-Temporal Correlated Sources
Network model of a 5G MIMO base station antenna in a downlink multi-user scenario
Per-Antenna Power Distribution of a Zero-Forcing Beamformed ULA in pure LOS MU-MIMO
On the Sparsity and Aperiodicity of a Base Station Antenna Array in a Downlink MU-MIMO Scenario
Point-to-Point 3 x 3 MIMO Performance Gains with Aperiodic Sparse Arrays in Pure LOS Channels
MIMO Channel Capacity Gains in mm-Wave LOS Systems with Irregular Sparse Array Antennas
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