Andrea Matrisciano

Doktorand at Combustion and Propulsion Systems image

Showing 18 publications


An a priori thermodynamic data analysis based chemical lumping method for the reduction of large and multi-component chemical kinetic mechanisms

Andrea Matrisciano, Lars Seidel, Fabian Mauss
International Journal of Chemical Kinetics. Vol. 54 (9), p. 523-540
Journal article

Modeling of Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition Combustion Using a Stochastic Reactor Model Coupled with Detailed Chemistry

T. Franken, Andrea Matrisciano, Rafael Sari et al
SAE Technical Papers (2021)
Paper in proceeding

Analysis of the Water Addition Efficiency on Knock Suppression for Different Octane Ratings

T. Franken, L. Seidel, Andrea Matrisciano et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2020-April (April)
Journal article

Prediction of thermal stratification in an engine-like geometry using a zero-dimensional stochastic reactor model

T. Franken, C. Klauer, Martin Kienberg et al
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 21 (9), p. 1750-1763
Journal article

Development of a Computationally Efficient Tabulated Chemistry Solver for Internal Combustion Engine Optimization Using Stochastic Reactor Models

Andrea Matrisciano, Tim Franken, Laura Catalina Gonzalez Mestre et al
Applied Sciences. Vol. 10 (24), p. 1-31
Journal article

Gasoline engine performance simulation of water injection and low-pressure exhaust gas recirculation using tabulated chemistry

Tim Franken, Fabian Mauss, Lars Seidel et al
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 21 (10), p. 1857-1877
Journal article

Multi-objective optimization of water injection in spark-ignition engines using the stochastic reactor model with tabulated chemistry

T. Franken, C. Netzer, F. Mauss et al
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 20 (10), p. 1089-1100
Journal article

A Computationally Efficient Progress Variable Approach for In-Cylinder Combustion and Emissions Simulations

Andrea Matrisciano, C. Netzer, Adina Werner et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-September (September)
Journal article

Multi-Objective Optimization of Fuel Consumption and NOx Emissions with Reliability Analysis Using a Stochastic Reactor Model

T. Franken, Alexander Duggan, Andrea Matrisciano et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2019-April (April)
Journal article

Diesel engine performance mapping using a parametrized mixing time model

M. Pasternak, F. Mauss, C. Klauer et al
International Journal of Engine Research. Vol. 19 (2), p. 202-213
Journal article

Development of a Computationally Efficient Progress Variable Approach for a Direct Injection Stochastic Reactor Model

Andrea Matrisciano, T. Franken, Cathleen Perlman et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2017-March (March)
Journal article

Systematic Reduction of Detailed Chemical Reaction Mechanisms for Engine Applications

L. Seidel, C. Netzer, M. Hilbig et al
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. Vol. 139 (9), p. Article Number: 091701 -
Journal article

Influence of Nozzle Eccentricity on Spray Structures in Marine Diesel Sprays

Imre Gergely Nagy, Andrea Matrisciano, Harry Lehtiniemi et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2017-September
Journal article

Advanced Predictive Diesel Combustion Simulation Using Turbulence Model and Stochastic Reactor Model

T. Franken, A. Sommerhoff, W. Willems et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2017-March (March)
Journal article

Systematic reduction of detailed chemical reaction mechanisms for engine applications

L. Seidel, C. Netzer, M. Hilbig et al
ASME 2016 Internal Combustion Engine Fall Technical Conference, ICEF 2016, p. Paper No. ICEF2016-9304
Paper in proceeding

Soot Source Term Tabulation Strategy for Diesel Engine Simulations with SRM

Andrea Matrisciano, Anders Borg, Cathleen Perlman et al
SAE Technical Papers. Vol. 2015
Paper in proceeding

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