Andrii Dmytryshyn

Associate Professor at Applied Mathematics and Statistics

My research interests primarily lie in the fields of matrix theory and computations, as well as their applications in computer science and physics. Specifically, I focus on linear and non-linear eigenvalue problems, matrix equations, and low-rank structures.

Before joining Chalmers, I worked and studied in Örebro, Umeå, Bordeaux, Padua, and Kyiv.

Image of Andrii Dmytryshyn

Showing 2 publications


A new system of sylvester-like matrix equations with arbitrary number of equations and unknowns over the quaternion algebra

Zhuo Heng He, Andrii Dmytryshyn, Qing Wen Wang
Linear and Multilinear Algebra. Vol. In Press
Journal article

CP decomposition-based algorithms for completion problem of motion capture data

Souad Mohaoui, Andrii Dmytryshyn
Pattern Analysis and Applications. Vol. 27 (4)
Journal article

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