Angelos Arelakis

Showing 12 publications


HMComp: Extending Near-Memory Capacity using Compression in Hybrid Memory

Qi Shao, Angelos Arelakis, Per Stenström
Proceedings of the International Conference on Supercomputing, p. 74-84
Paper in proceeding

GBDI: Going Beyond Base-Delta-Immediate Compression with Global Bases

Alexandra Angerd, Angelos Arelakis, Vasilis Spiliopoulos et al
Proceedings - International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture. Vol. 2022-April, p. 1115-1127
Paper in proceeding

FlatPack: Flexible Compaction of Compressed Memory

Albin Eldstål-Ahrens, Angelos Arelakis, Ioannis Sourdis
Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques - Conference Proceedings, PACT, p. 96-108
Paper in proceeding

L2C: Combining Lossy and Lossless Compression on Memory and I/O

Albin Eldstål-Ahrens, Angelos Arelakis, Ioannis Sourdis
Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. Vol. 21 (1)
Journal article

A Cache System and a Method of Operating a Cache

Angelos Arelakis, Per Stenström

A Primer on Compression in the Memory Hierarchy

Somayeh Sardashti, Angelos Arelakis, Per Stenström et al
Synthesis Lectures on Computer Architecture

HyComp: A Hybrid Cache Compression Method for Selection of Data-Type-Specific Compression Methods

Angelos Arelakis, Fredrik Dahlgren, Per Stenström
48th Annual IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Microarchitecture, MICRO 2015, Waikiki, United States, 5-9 December 2015. Vol. 05-09-December-2015, p. 38-49
Paper in proceeding

Statistical Compression Cache Designs

Angelos Arelakis
Doctoral thesis

A Case for a Value-Aware Cache

Angelos Arelakis, Per Stenström
IEEE Computer Architecture Letters. Vol. 13 (1), p. 1-4
Journal article

SC2: A statistical compression cache scheme

Angelos Arelakis, Per Stenström
Conference Proceedings - Annual International Symposium on Computer Architecture, ISCA, p. 145-156
Paper in proceeding

Design Considerations of Value-aware Caches

Angelos Arelakis
Licentiate thesis

A Cache System and a Method of Operating a Cache

Angelos Arelakis, Per Stenström

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