Aoyong Li

Showing 13 publications


Integrating shared e-scooters as the feeder to public transit: A comparative analysis of 124 European cities

Aoyong Li, Kun Gao, Pengxiang Zhao et al
Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies. Vol. 160
Journal article

Investigation on the joint travel behavior in bike sharing systems during the COVID-19 pandemic: Insights from New York City

Hui Bi, Hui Gao, Aoyong Li et al
Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 117
Journal article

Unraveling the mode substitution of dockless bike-sharing systems and its determinants: A trip level data-driven interpretation

Kun Gao, Aoyong Li, Yang Liu et al
Sustainable Cities and Society. Vol. 98
Journal article

Bike-sharing systems rebalancing considering redistribution proportions: A user-based repositioning approach

Yuhan Zhang, Yichang Shao, Hui Bi et al
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Vol. 610
Journal article

Bicycle safety outside the crosswalks: Investigating cyclists' risky street-crossing behavior and its relationship with built environment

Hui Bi, Aoyong Li, He Zhu et al
Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 108
Journal article

Comprehensive comparison of e-scooter sharing mobility: Evidence from 30 European cities

Aoyong Li, Pengxiang Zhao, Xintao Liu et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 105
Journal article

Examining the varying influences of built environment on bike-sharing commuting: Empirical evidence from Shanghai

Hui Bi, Aoyong Li, Mingzhuang Hua et al
Transport Policy. Vol. 129, p. 51-65
Journal article

Spatial heterogeneity in distance decay of using bike sharing: An empirical large-scale analysis in Shanghai

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Aoyong Li et al
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment. Vol. 94
Journal article

Extrapolation-enhanced model for travel decision making: An ensemble machine learning approach considering behavioral theory

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Tianshu Zhang et al
Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol. 218
Journal article

Quantifying economic benefits from free-floating bike-sharing systems: A trip-level inference approach and city-scale analysis

Kun Gao, Ying Yang, Aoyong Li et al
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. Vol. 144, p. 89-103
Journal article

High-resolution assessment of environmental benefits of dockless bike-sharing systems based on transaction data

Aoyong Li, Kun Gao, Pengxiang Zhao et al
Journal of Cleaner Production. Vol. 296
Journal article

An empirical analysis of dockless bike-sharing utilization and its explanatory factors: Case study from Shanghai, China

Aoyong Li, Pengxiang Zhao, Yizhe Huang et al
Journal of Transport Geography. Vol. 88
Journal article

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