Victor Berg

Doctoral Student at Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems image

Showing 1 publications


Characterization of Gaseous and Particle Emissions of a Direct Injection Hydrogen Engine at Various Operating Conditions

Victor Berg, Lucien Koopmans, Jonas Sjöblom et al
SAE Technical Papers
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


Hydrogen Engine Emissions Reduction (HEER)

Jonas Sjöblom Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Louise Olsson Chemical Technology
Derek Claude Creaser Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Jieling Shao Chemical Process and Reaction Engineering
Victor Berg Energy Conversion and Propulsion Systems
Maria Grahn Maritime Environmental Sciences
Selma Brynolf Maritime Environmental Sciences
Jorge Velandia Vargas Maritime Environmental Sciences
Swedish Energy Agency

1 publication exists
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