Boel Nelson

Showing 9 publications


Efficient Error Prediction for Differentially Private Algorithms

Boel Nelson
ACM International Conference Proceeding Series
Paper in proceeding

SoK: Chasing Accuracy and Privacy, and Catching Both in Differentially Private Histogram Publication

Boel Nelson, Jenni Reuben
Transactions on Data Privacy. Vol. 13 (3), p. 201-245
Journal article

Joint Subjective and Objective Data Capture and Analytics for Automotive Applications

Mathias Johanson, Jonas Jalminger, Emmanuel Frécon et al
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. Vol. 2017-September
Paper in proceeding

Introducing Differential Privacy to the Automotive Domain: Opportunities and Challenges

Boel Nelson, Tomas Olovsson
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference. Vol. 2017-September, p. 1-7
Paper in proceeding

Data Privacy for Big Automotive Data

Boel Nelson
Licentiate thesis

Security and Privacy for Big Data: A Systematic Literature Review

Boel Nelson, Tomas Olovsson
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), p. 3693-3702
Paper in proceeding

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