Bowen Jiang
Bowen Jiang is a PhD student in the division of Electric Power Engineering, working with electric drive design and battery systems for high power vehicle applications.

Showing 21 publications
A Mechanical-Hardware-in-the-Loop Test Bench for Verification of Multi-Motor Drivetrain Systems
Active Balancing of Reconfigurable Batteries Using Reinforcement Learning Algorithms
A Novel Approach of Electric Powertrain Co-Simulation with High Fidelity Vehicle Model
A Hybrid Energy Storage System with Reconfigurability and Fast Equalisation
Lithium-ion Battery State of Health Estimation with Recurrent Convolution Neural Networks
Acceleration-based wheel slip control realized with decentralised electric drivetrain systems
Accelerated destructive experiment design of motor stator winding insulation systems
Experimental evaluation of conductor insulations used in e-mobility traction motors
A New Battery Active Balancing Method with Supercapacitor Considering Regeneration Process
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Showing 5 research projects
High performance electric driveline for electric drill rigs (E-drill)
HipeDrive - Högpresterande drivlina för fullelektriska tunga lastbilar och premium personbilar
Integrated Modular Distributed Drivetrain for Electric/Hybrid Vehicles