Bengt-Göran Rosen
Showing 50 publications
Ingenjör4.0 – A National Upskilling Programme to Bridge Industry’s Skill Gap
Using confocal fusion for measurement of metal AM surface texture
Surface design methodology-challenge the steel
Topographic modelling of haptic properties of tissue products
Interference Measurements of Deposits on Cylinder Liner Surfaces
Optimisation of Cylinder Liner Surface Finish by Slide Honing
On finishing of pressing die surfaces using machine hammer peening
A Method for Visualization of Surface Texture Anisotropy in Different Scales of Observation
Uncertainties and optimized sampling in surface roughness characterization
Characterisation of Worn Cylinder Liner Surfaces by Segmentation of Honing and Wear Scratches
Friction in Sheet Metal Forming - A Comparison Between Milled and Manually Polished Die Surfaces
Surface topography on trimming dies and the influence of wear
Milled die steel surface roughness correlation with steel sheet friction
A friction model evaluated with results from a bending-under-tension test
Machine Hammer Peening – A Substitute for Polishing of Pressing Die Surfaces?
Surfaces generated by abrasive finishing processes as self-affine fractals
Tribological aspect of the surface topography variations for injection cams
Measuring strategies for smooth tool steel surfaces
Surface Finish and Roughness Measurement in Die and Mould Manufacturing
Quantification of Blechmantel Effect on Wear of Cylinder Bore Microtopography
The evolution of surface topography of injection cams
Towards 3D Charactersation of Cylinder Liner Surfaces
Evaluation of cam and roller surfaces by wear testing and functional characterisation
Evaluation of cam and roller surfaces and their manufacturing process by functional characterisation
Robust and Easy to Use Quality Control of Roughness on Milled Tool Steel Surfaces
Frictional mechanisms in mixed lubricated regime in steel sheet metal forming
Complementing 3D Roughness Parameters for Monitoring of Improved Honing of Cylinder Bores
Cylinder Liner Honed Surface Optimisation - a Manufacture-Characterisation-Function Study
The evolution of surface topography of injection cams
The Cylinder Liners and Consequences of Improved Honing
Cylinder liners and consequences of improved honing
Frictional Mechanisms in Mixed Lubricated Regime in Steel Sheet Metal Forming
Evaluation of surface topography parameters for friction prediction in stamping
Topographical characterisation of artificial femoral heads- a Benchmarking study
Surface Indentation Test (SIT) for Friction Prediction in Mixed Lubrication of Coated Sheets
Interactive surface modelling and representation of surface roughness & topography
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