Bengt-Göran Rosen

Showing 51 publications


Mastering Industry’s Skill Gap - Matching Employee Needs with New Learning Challenges

Greta Braun, Mattias Bokinge, Bengt-Göran Rosen et al
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, p. 668-672
Paper in proceeding

Ingenjör4.0 – A National Upskilling Programme to Bridge Industry’s Skill Gap

Greta Braun, Johan Stahre, Bengt-Göran Rosen et al
Procedia CIRP. Vol. 120, p. 1286-1291
Paper in proceeding

Using confocal fusion for measurement of metal AM surface texture

Olena Flys, Johan C Berglund, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties. Vol. 8 (2)
Journal article

Areal surface topography representation of as-built and post-processed samples produced by powder bed fusion using laser beam melting

Amogh Vedantha Krishna, Olena Flys, Vijeth V. Reddy et al
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties. Vol. 8 (2)
Journal article

Characterization of subsurface deformation of turned brasses: Lead brass (CuZn39Pb3) and lead free brass (CuZn21Si3P)

Vijeth V. Reddy, Eric Tam, Amogh Vedantha Krishna et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 1183 (1)
Paper in proceeding

Potential approach towards effective topography characterization of 316L stainless steel components produced by selective laser melting process

AMOGH VEDANTHA KRISHNA, Olena Flys, Vijeth Venkataram Reddy et al
European Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, Conference Proceedings - 18th International Conference and Exhibition, EUSPEN 2018, p. 259-260
Paper in proceeding

Surface design methodology-challenge the steel

Martin Bergman, Bengt-Göran Rosen, L.G.T. Eriksson et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 483 (1), p. Art. no. 012013-
Paper in proceeding

Topographic modelling of haptic properties of tissue products

Bengt-Göran Rosen, A. Fall, S Rosén et al
Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Vol. 483 (1)
Paper in proceeding

The Stedman diagram revisited

S Rosén, T. R. Thomas, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties. Vol. 2 (1)
Journal article

Uncertainties and optimized sampling in surface roughness characterization

Bengt-Göran Rosen, J. Garnier
Wear. Vol. 271 (3-4), p. 610-615
Paper in proceeding

Optimisation of Cylinder Liner Surface Finish by Slide Honing

Zlate Dimkovski, Frederic Cabanettes, Hans Löfgren et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
Journal article

Interference Measurements of Deposits on Cylinder Liner Surfaces

Zlate Dimkovski, Lars Bååth, Stefan Rosen et al
Wear. Vol. 270 (3-4), p. 247-251
Journal article

On finishing of pressing die surfaces using machine hammer peening

Johan C Berglund, Magnus Liljengren, Bengt-Göran Rosen
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 52 (1-4), p. 115-121
Journal article

A Method for Visualization of Surface Texture Anisotropy in Different Scales of Observation

Johan C Berglund, Daniel Wiklund, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Scanning. Vol. 33 (5), p. 325-331
Journal article

Characterisation of Worn Cylinder Liner Surfaces by Segmentation of Honing and Wear Scratches

Zlate Dimkovski, Cecilia Anderberg, Robert Ohlsson et al
Journal article

Traceology, quantifying finishing machining and function: A tool and wear mark characterisation study

T. R. Thomas, Bengt-Göran Rosen, H. Zahouani et al
Wear. Vol. 271 (3-4), p. 553-558
Paper in proceeding

Influence of Different Cylinder Liner Surfaces on Their Performance with the Twin Land Oil Control Ring in a Car Engine

Zlate Dimkovski, Cecilia Anderberg, Frederic Cabanettes et al
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces
Paper in proceeding

Friction in Sheet Metal Forming - A Comparison Between Milled and Manually Polished Die Surfaces

Daniel Wiklund, Magnus Liljengren, Johan C Berglund et al
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, p. 613-622
Paper in proceeding

On discovering relevant scales in surface roughness measurement - an evaluation of a band-pass method

Johan C Berglund, C Agunwamba, B Powers et al
Scanning. Vol. 32 (4), p. 244-249
Journal article

Surface topography on trimming dies and the influence of wear

Per Jonsson, Johan C Berglund, Kenneth Kjellsson et al
Proceedings of IDDRG 2010 International Conference, p. 345-354
Paper in proceeding

Milled die steel surface roughness correlation with steel sheet friction

Johan C Berglund, C A Brown, Bengt-Göran Rosen et al
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology. Vol. 59 (1), p. 577-580
Paper in proceeding

Quantification of the cold worked material inside the deep honing grooves on cylider liner surfaces and its effect on wear

Zlate Dimkovski, Cecilia Anderberg, Bengt-Göran Rosen et al
Wear. Vol. 267 (12), p. 2235-2242
Journal article

A friction model evaluated with results from a bending-under-tension test

Daniel Wiklund, Bengt-Göran Rosen, A. Wihlborg
Tribology International. Vol. 42 (10), p. 1448-1452
Journal article

A Method Development for Correlation of Surface Finish Appearance of Die Surfaces and Roughness Measurement Data

Johan C Berglund, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Tribology Letters. Vol. 36 (2), p. 157-164
Journal article

Surfaces generated by abrasive finishing processes as self-affine fractals

Tom Thomas, Bengt-Göran Rosen
International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering. Vol. 3 (4), p. 275-285
Journal article

Machine Hammer Peening – A Substitute for Polishing of Pressing Die Surfaces?

Johan C Berglund, Magnus Liljengren, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Proceedings of the International 3'rd Swedish Production Symposium (Day 1), p. 184-189
Paper in proceeding

Surface Finish and Roughness Measurement in Die and Mould Manufacturing

Johan C Berglund, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Proceedings of the 2'nd Swedish Production Symposium, p. 385-391
Paper in proceeding

Tribological aspect of the surface topography variations for injection cams

Frederic Cabanettes, Johan Mohlin, Per Henrik Nilsson et al
Proceedings of Nordtrib conference 2008, Tampere, Finland, p. 16-
Other conference contribution

Quantification of Blechmantel Effect on Wear of Cylinder Bore Microtopography

Zlate Dimkovski, Cecilia Anderberg, Bengt-Göran Rosen et al
Proceedings of the 13th nordic symposium in tribology
Paper in proceeding

Measuring strategies for smooth tool steel surfaces

Johan C Berglund, Per Jonsson, Sabina Rebeggiani et al
Proceedings of the XII. International Colloquium on Surfaces, p. 110-119
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of cam and roller surfaces by wear testing and functional characterisation

Frederic Cabanettes, Johan Mohlin, Per Henrik Nilsson et al
Proceedings of the 35th Leeds Lyon Symposium on Tribology, p. 8-
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of cam and roller surfaces and their manufacturing process by functional characterisation

Frederic Cabanettes, Johan Mohlin, Per Henrik Nilsson et al
Proceedings of the Swedish Production Symposium 2008, Stockholm, Sweden, p. 7-
Paper in proceeding

Frictional mechanisms in mixed lubricated regime in steel sheet metal forming

Daniel Wiklund, Bengt-Göran Rosen, Lina-Maria Gunnarsson
Wear. Vol. 264 (5-6), p. 474-479
Journal article

Robust and Easy to Use Quality Control of Roughness on Milled Tool Steel Surfaces

Johan C Berglund, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, p. 284-289
Paper in proceeding

The evolution of surface topography of injection cams

Frederic Cabanettes, Julien Claret-Tournier, Johan Mohlin et al
Wear, p. 4-
Journal article

Towards 3D Charactersation of Cylinder Liner Surfaces

Zlate Dimkovski, Cecilia Anderberg, Fredrik Strömstedt et al
Proceedings of the XII international colloquium on surfaces
Paper in proceeding

Complementing 3D Roughness Parameters for Monitoring of Improved Honing of Cylinder Bores

Zlate Dimkovski, Cecilia Anderberg, Robert Ohlsson et al
Proceedings of the 2nd Swedish Production Symposium
Paper in proceeding

The influence of surface roughness and the contact pressure distribution on friction in rolling/sliding contacts

Li Xiao, S. Bjorklund, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Tribology International. Vol. 40 (4), p. 694-698
Journal article

Cylinder Liner Honed Surface Optimisation - a Manufacture-Characterisation-Function Study

Zlate Dimkovski, Nicolas Allard, Cecilia Anderberg et al
Proceedings of the 1st Swedish production symposium
Paper in proceeding

The evolution of surface topography of injection cams

Frederic Cabanettes, Julien Claret-Tournier, Johan Mohlin et al
Proceedings of Mets and Props conference 2007´, Huddersfield, UK, p. 5-
Other conference contribution

On the Implementation and Evaluation of a Roughness Based Friction Model in FE simulations of Sheet Metal Forming

Daniel Wiklund, Larsgunnar Nilsson, Bertil Nilsson et al
Proceedings of The 12th Nordic Symposium on Tribology, Helsingör, Denmark, 7-9 June 2006
Paper in proceeding

The Cylinder Liners and Consequences of Improved Honing

Cecilia Anderberg, Frederic Cabanettes, Zlate Dimkovski et al
Proceedings of the 12th nordic symposium in tribology
Paper in proceeding

Cylinder liners and consequences of improved honing

Cecilia Anderberg, Frederic Cabanettes, Zlate Dimkovski et al
Proceedings of Nordtrib conference 2006, Helsingor, Danemark, p. 13-
Other conference contribution

Frictional Mechanisms in Mixed Lubricated Regime in Steel Sheet Metal Forming

Daniel Wiklund, Bengt-Göran Rosen, Lars Gunnarsson
10th International Conference on Metrology and Properties of Engineering Surfaces, Saint-Étienne, France, 4-7 July 2005
Paper in proceeding

Evaluation of surface topography parameters for friction prediction in stamping

Daniel Wiklund, A. Wihlborg, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Wear. Vol. 257 (12), p. 1296-1300
Journal article

Topographical characterisation of artificial femoral heads- a Benchmarking study

Bengt-Göran Rosen, Ann Wennerberg, Stefan Rosén
Wear. Vol. 257 (12), p. 1275-1280
Journal article

A Comparative Surface Topography Study of FEM Simulation and Surface Indentation Tests (SIT) on Friction Prediction in Steel Sheet Forming

Daniel Wiklund, Anders Wihlborg, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Proceedings of The 10th Nordic Symposium on Tribology, Stockholm, Sweden, 9-12 June 2002
Paper in proceeding

Surface Indentation Test (SIT) for Friction Prediction in Mixed Lubrication of Coated Sheets

Anders Wihlborg, Daniel Wiklund, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Proceedings of The 28th Leeds-Lyon Symposium on Tribology, Vienna, Austria, 3-7 September 2001
Paper in proceeding

The Influence of Lubricants Kinematic Viscosity and Steel Sheet Surface-Topography in a Bending Under Tension Friction Test

Anders Wihlborg, Daniel Wiklund, Bengt-Göran Rosen
Proceedings of The 2nd World Tribology Congress, Vienna, Austria, 3-7 September 2001
Paper in proceeding

Towards Surface Engineering

Bengt-Göran Rosen
Doctoral thesis

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