Carlo Bencivenni
Showing 39 publications
A 50 dBi E-Band Dual-reflector Antenna for 5G Backhauling with Auto-beam-tracking Function
Antenna and Mechanical Co-Design for Auto-Beam-Tracking in Backhaul Systems
An Automotive Polarimetric Radar Sensor With Circular Polarization Based on Gapwaveguide Technology
Systematic Self-Interference Mitigation in Full Duplex Antenna Arrays Via Transmit Beamforming
Applications of Contactless Characteristics of Gap Waveguides in Mechanical Reconfigurability
Gapwaveguide Automotive Imaging Radar Antenna with Launcher in Package Technology
A 16 × 16 45° Slant-Polarized Gapwaveguide Phased Array With 65-dBm EIRP at 28 GHz
TX Beamforming EVM Performance of a 65 dBm-EIRP Slant-Polarized Gapwaveguide Phased Array at 28 GHz
Single Layer Dual Circularly Polarized Antenna Elements for Automotive Radar at 77 GHz
MmWave array antenna based on gap waveguide technology for 5G applications
Aperiodic Switched Array for Line-of-Sight MIMO Backhauling
Towards Integrated Active Antennas for 5G mm-wave Applications at Gapwaves
Effects of Regular and Aperiodic Array Layout in Multi-User MIMO Applications
Aperiodic Isophoric Slotted Waveguide Antenna for Point-to-Point Communications at Ka-band
Point-to-Point 3 x 3 MIMO Performance Gains with Aperiodic Sparse Arrays in Pure LOS Channels
MIMO Channel Capacity Gains in mm-Wave LOS Systems with Irregular Sparse Array Antennas
Synthesis of circular isophoric sparse arrays by using compressive-sensing
Footprint Sharing Sparse Arrays for 20 and 30 GHz
Reconfigurable aperiodic array synthesis by Compressive Sensing
Multi-Element Aperiodic Array Synthesis by Compressive Sensing
Design of Maximally Sparse Antenna Arrays in the Presence of Mutual Coupling
A Quadraxial Feed for Ultra-Wide Bandwidth Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Antennas
Design of Wideband Quadruple-Ridged Flared Horn Feeds for Future Radio Telescopes
Aperiodic Array Antennas for Future Satellite Systems
Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2013
Characteristic Basis Function Analysis of Large Aperture-Fed Antenna Arrays
A Simple Method for Optimal Antenna Array Thinning Using a Broadside MaxGain Beamformer
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