Catinka Ullmann

Showing 9 publications


Some aspects of protective efficacy of surgical clothing systems concerning airborne microorganisms based on results from measurements in a dispersal chamber and during surgical procedures

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral & Pharmaceutical Sciences (22(2)), p. 51-58
Journal article

Microbial contamination risks of the surface of surgical clothing systems - an observational study

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences (22/1), p. 6-12
Journal article

Pharmaceutical production versus operating rooms in hospitals with focus on airborne particles and microorganism - Requirements and environmental monitoring

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
International Symposium on Contamination Control, ICCCS, Sao Paulo, Brazil, sept 2016
Paper in proceeding

Requirements and environmental monitoring in pharmaceutical production versus operating rooms in hospitals with focus on airborne particles and microorganisms

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 20 (3), p. 100-103
Journal article

Study of proper placements of HEPA-filter units in order to prevent airborne contamination of autoclaves in aseptic production by using computional fluid dynamics

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
Renhetsteknik. Vol. 2013 (3), p. 15-20
Magazine article

Study of proper placements of HEPA-filter units in order to prevent airborne contamination of autoclaves in aseptic production by using computational fluid dynamics

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 17 (4), p. 148-156
Journal article

Study of proper placements of HEPA-filter units in order to prevent airborne contamination of autoclaves in aseptic production by using computional fluid dynamics.

Catinka Ullmann, Bengt Ljungqvist, Berit Reinmüller et al
European Journal of Parenteral and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Vol. 17 (4), p. 148-156
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Infection and contagion-proof care facilities in low-income countries

Lars Ekberg Building Services Engineering
Daniel Olsson Building Services Engineering
Bengt Ljungqvist Building Services Engineering
Berit Reinmüller Building Services Engineering
Catinka Ullmann Building Services Engineering

1 publication exists
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