Christoffer Olsson

Showing 9 publications


Stabilization of proteins embedded in sugars and water as studied by dielectric spectroscopy

Christoffer Olsson, Rano Zangana, Jan Swenson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. Vol. 22 (37), p. 21197-21207
Journal article

Structural Comparison between Sucrose and Trehalose in Aqueous Solution

Christoffer Olsson, Jan Swenson
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 124 (15), p. 3074-3082
Journal article

Motions of water and solutes-Slaving versus plasticization phenomena

Izaskun Combarro Palacios, Christoffer Olsson, Christina S. Kamma-Lorger et al
Journal of Chemical Physics. Vol. 150 (12)
Journal article

Mechanism of Trehalose-Induced Protein Stabilization from Neutron Scattering and Modeling

Christoffer Olsson, Samuel Genheden, Victoria García Sakai et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 123 (17), p. 3679-3687
Journal article

The role of disaccharides for protein–protein interactions – a SANS study

Christoffer Olsson, Jan Swenson
Molecular Physics. Vol. 117 (22), p. 3408-3416
Journal article

The Role of Sugars for Protein Stabilization

Christoffer Olsson
Doctoral thesis

The Role of Trehalose for the Stabilization of Proteins

Christoffer Olsson, Helen Jansson, Jan Swenson
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 120 (20), p. 4723-4731
Journal article

Structure of Aqueous Trehalose Solution by Neutron Diffraction and Structural Modeling

Christoffer Olsson, Helen Jansson, T. Youngs et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. Vol. 120 (49), p. 12669-12678
Journal article

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