Zhang Daiyong

Showing 3 publications


A comparison of ship manoeuvrability models to approximate ship navigation trajectories

Martin Alexandersson, Zhang Daiyong, Wengang Mao et al
Ships and Offshore Structures. Vol. 18 (4), p. 550-557
Journal article

Sensitive analysis of voyage optimization algorithms for ship voyage planning

Zhang Daiyong, Xiumin Chu, Wengang Mao
Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, p. 2772-2779
Paper in proceeding

A comparison of ship maneuverability models to approximate ship navigation trajectories

Zhang Daiyong, Wengang Mao, Jonas Ringsberg
Proceedings of The 6th International Conference on Ships and Offshore Structures (ICSOS 2021), p. 1-9
Paper in proceeding

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Showing 1 research projects


ISEA -- Increase shipping efficiency using ship data analytics and AI to assist ship operations

Wengang Mao Marine Technology
Zhang Daiyong Marine Technology
Swedish Transport Administration

1 publication exists
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