Dennis Eriksson
Showing 14 publications
On genus one mirror symmetry in higher dimensions and the BCOV conjectures
BCOV invariants of Calabi-Yau manifolds and degenerations of Hodge structures
Spaces of norms, determinant of cohomology and Fekete points in non-Archimedean geometry
Nonproper intersection products and generalized cycles
Global representation of Segre numbers by Monge–Ampère products
Kähler quantization of vortex moduli
Singularities of metrics on Hodge bundles and their topological invariants
Discriminants and Artin conductors
A logarithmic interpretation of Edixhoven's jumps for Jacobians
Degenerating Riemann Surfaces and the Quillen Metric
On the Brauer-Manin obstruction for zero-cycles on curves
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Showing 2 research projects
Higher dimensional genus 1 mirror symmetry