Gordana Dodig Crnkovic
Gordana Dodig-Crnković is a Professor of Computer Science at Mälardalen University and a Professor of Interaction Design at the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. She holds PhD degrees in Physics and Computer Science. Her research focuses on the relationships between computation, information, and cognition, including ethical and value aspects. She is a member of the editorial board of the Springer SAPERE series, the World Scientific Series in Information Studies, and various journals. Personal web page: http://gordana.se Google Scholar Profile
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Showing 146 publications
Exploring Cognition through Morphological Info-Computational Framework
Autonomous Agents, Cognition and Intelligence
Delegating Responsibilities to Intelligent Autonomous Systems: Challenges and Benefits
Morphological Computing as Logic Underlying Cognition in Human, Animal, and Intelligent Machine
A Systematic Approach to Autonomous Agents
Decoding Symbols, Computing Signs by Info-Computational Processes in Cognitive Agents
Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies—Part 3
Computational Natural Philosophy: A Thread from Presocratics Through Turing to ChatGPT
Reimagining Life. Emergent Complexity from Non-Living to Living
What Do I Need To Learn? Computing Competence Described by Novice Students
Novice Students Explain: What is Computer Science?
Discussion on the Relationship between Computation, Information, Cognition, and Their Embodiment
Future Intelligent Autonomous Robots, Ethical by Design. Lessons Learned from Autonomous Cars Ethics
AI for People and with People Workshop
Owning Your Career Paths: Storytelling to Engage Women in Computer Science
On the Foundations of Computing. Computing as the Fourth Great Domain of Science
Cognitive Architectures Based on Natural Info-Computation
Morphological Computation as Natural Ecosystem Service for Intelligent Technology
Information and Disinformation Boundaries and Interfaces
Morphological Computing of Cognition and Intelligence, MORCOM 2021-Online Conference
Natural Computation of Cognition, from single cells up
Cognition as Morphological/Morphogenetic Embodied Computation In Vivo
The teaching of computer ethics on computer science and related degree programmes. a European survey
Natural Computational Architectures for Cognitive Info-Communication
Steps Towards Real-world Ethics for Self-driving Cars: Beyond the Trolley Problem
Future Intelligent Autonomous Robots, Ethical by Design. Learning from Autonomous Cars Ethics
Morphological computation and learning to learn in natural intelligent systems and AI
A Multiscale Taxonomy of Information in the World
Morphological Computing in Cognitive Systems, Connecting Data to Intelligent Agency
A Theory of Semantic Information in the Context of its Ecology
Real-world ethics for self-driving cars
Recent books delineating the emergent academic filed of the Study of Information
Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies-Part 2
Theoretical Information Studies : Information In The World
Prolegomena to an operator theory of computation
Modelling Computing Devices and Processes by Information Operators
The Relation between Future State Maximization and von Foerster's Ethical Imperative
Introduction: The study of information in the context of knowledge ecology
Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies - Part 1
Laws of Science and Laws of Nature in an Evolutionary Knowledge Ecology
Robotics and the quality of life: the case of robotics assisted surgery
The Study of Information in the Context of Knowledge Ecology
Cognition as Embodied Morphological Computation
Ethical and Social Aspects of Self-Driving Cars
Avoiding the Intrinsic Unfairness of the Trolley Problem
Contemporary Natural Philosophy and Philosophies
Preface to Representation and Reality in Humans, Other Living Organisms and Intelligent Machines
Morphologically Computing Embodied Cognition
Risk-based Decision-making Fallacies: Why Present Functional Safety Standards Are Not Enough
Computational Dynamics of Natural Information Morphology, Discretely Continuous
Prolegomena to Information Taxonomy
Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning
Nature as a Network of Morphological Infocomputational Processes for Cognitive Agents
Representation and Reality in Humans, Animals and Machines
Predictive Regulation in Affective and Adaptive Behaviour: An Allostatic-Cybernetics Perspective
Reality construction in cognitive agents through processes of info-computation
Morphological Computing and Cognitive Agency
The Architecture of Mind as a Network of Networks of Natural Computational Processes
Inclusion of Ethical Aspects in Multi-criteria Decision Analysis
Information, Computation, Cognition. Agency-Based Hierarchies of Levels
Ethical Aspects of Technology in the Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
Morphological computing as reality construction for a cognizing agent
Physical Computation and Cognitive Science
Probabilistic Computation and Emotion as Self-regulation
Ethics Aspects of Embedded and Cyber-Physical Systems
A Computational Account of Emotion, an Oxymoron?
Cognitively Sustainable ICT with Ubiquitous Mobile Services - Challenges and Opportunities
A Taxonomy of Computation and Information Architecture
Collective cognition and distributed information processing from bacteria to humans
Computation as Information Transformation
Preparing Next Generation of Software Engineers for Future Societal Challenges and Opportunities
Workshop on Architecting Self-Managing Distributed Systems: ASDS @ ECSA 2015
Why we need Info-computational Constructivism
Info-computational Constructivism and Cognition
Reality construction through info-computation
Modeling Life as Cognitive Info-Computation
Alan Turing’s Legacy: Info-computational Philosophy of Nature
From the Closed Classical Algorithmic Universe to an Open World of Algorithmic Constellations
The Info-computational Nature of Morphological Computing
The Nature of Computation and The Development of Computational Models
Wolfram and the Computing Nature
Typologies of Computation and Computational Models
Cognitive revolution, virtuality and good life
Natural/unconventional computing and its philosophical significance
Physical computation as dynamics of form that glues everything together
Natural Computing/ Unconventional Computing and its Philosophical Significance
Unconventional Algorithms: Complementarity of Axiomatics and Construction
Floridi’s Information Ethics as Macro-ethics and Info-computational Agent-Based Models
Info-computationalism and Morphological Computing of Informational Structure
Social Computing, Social Cognition, Social Networks and Multiagent Systems Social Turn - SNAMAS 2012
Wikileaks and Ethics of Whistle Blowing
A Dialogue Concerning Two World Systems: Info-Computational vs. Mechanistic
Floridi’s “Open Problems in Philosophy of Information”, Ten Years Later
Info-Computational Philosophy Of Nature: An Informational Universe With Computational Dynamics
Significance of models of computation, from Turing model to natural computation
Information and Computation – Omnipresent and Pervasive
Agent Based Modeling with Applications to Social Computing
Who Will Have Irresponsible, Untrustworthy, Immoral Intelligent Robot?
Biological Information and Natural Computation
Constructive Research and Info-computational Knowledge Generation
Towards Industrial Robots with Human-like Moral Responsibilities
European Computing and Philosophy
Info-Computationalism and Philosophical Aspects of Research in Information Sciences
Sharing moral responsibility with robots: A pragmatic approach
Empirical Modeling and Information Semantics
Computation, information, cognition : the nexus and the liminal
Knowledge Map of Information Science: Implications for the Future of the Field
Ethics and Privacy of Communication in the E-Polis
Epistemology Naturalized: The Info-Computationalist Approach
Professional Ethics in Computing and Intelligent Systems
Investigations into Information Semantics and Ethics of Computing
System Modeling and Information Semantics
Game Ethics - Homo Ludens as a Computer Game Designer and Consumer
An exact shell-model treatment of Alpha-clustering and absolute Alpha-decay
Absolute Alpha-decay Rates in Po Isotopes
Alpha-Clustering and Absolute Alpha-decay Widths in Spherical Nuclei
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Showing 3 research projects
European Network For Gender Balance in Informatics EUGAIN
Morphological Computing in Cognitive Systems (MORCOM@COGS)