Ekaterina Deriushkina

Postdoc at Condensed Matter and Materials Theory
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Showing 10 publications


12.2 bit/s/Hz C-band Transmission with High-Gain Low-Complexity 24-Dimensional Geometric Shaping

Zonglong He, Shen Li, Ekaterina Deriushkina et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 42 (14), p. 4829-4836
Journal article

Modeling of 3-Coupled-Core Fiber: Comparison Between Scalar and Vector Random Coupling Models

Ekaterina Deriushkina, Jochen Schröder, Magnus Karlsson
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 42 (2), p. 793-801
Journal article

Circuit Implementation of Pilot-Based Dynamic MIMO Equalization for Coupled-Core Fibers

Erik Börjeson, Ekaterina Deriushkina, Magnus Karlsson et al
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OFC 2024
Paper in proceeding

Dynamic Model for Coupled-Core Fibers

Ekaterina Deriushkina, Jochen Schröder, Magnus Karlsson
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 42 (23), p. 8366-8373
Journal article

Analysis of the scalar and vector random coupling models for a four coupled-core fiber

Ekaterina Deriushkina, Jochen Schröder, Magnus Karlsson
IET Conference Proceedings. Vol. 2023 (34), p. 772-775
Journal article

Spectral Interferometry with Frequency Combs

Krishna Sundar Twayana, Israel Rebolledo Salgado, Ekaterina Deriushkina et al
Micromachines. Vol. 13 (4)
Review article

Dual-Comb Swept-Wavelength Interferometry: Theory and Experiment

Ekaterina Deriushkina, Israel Rebolledo Salgado, Mikael Mazur et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 40 (19), p. 6508-6516
Journal article

Characterisation of a Coupled-Core Fiber Using Dual-Comb Swept-Wavelength Interferometry

Ekaterina Deriushkina, Israel Rebolledo Salgado, Mikael Mazur et al
2021 European Conference on Optical Communication, ECOC 2021
Paper in proceeding

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