Johan Ekholm

Showing 8 publications


Fixed remote surveillance of fuel sulfur content in ships from fixed sites in the Göteborg ship channel and Öresund bridge

Johan Mellqvist, Alexander Vladimir Conde Jacobo, Jörg Beecken et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Certification of an aircraft and airborne surveillance of fuel sulfur content in ships at the SECA border

Johan Mellqvist, Alexander Vladimir Conde Jacobo, Jörg Beecken et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Surveillance of Sulfur Emissions from Ships in Danish Waters

Johan Mellqvist, Jörg Beecken, Alexander Vladimir Conde Jacobo et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Quantification of stack emissions from marine vessels

Johan Mellqvist, Jörg Beecken, Johan Ekholm et al
Air and Waste Management Association - Air Quality Measurement Methods and Technology Conference 2016, p. 416-421
Paper in proceeding

Remote Quantification of Stack Emissions from Marine Vessels

Johan Mellqvist, Jörg Beecken, Johan Ekholm et al
A&WMA’s 109th Annual Conference & Exhibition, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 2016. Vol. 1, p. 579-583
Paper in proceeding

Emission factors of SO2, NOx and particles from ships in Neva Bay from ground-based and helicopter-borne measurements and AIS-based modeling

Jörg Beecken, Johan Mellqvist, Kent Salo et al
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 15 (9), p. 5229-5241
Journal article

Airborne emission measurements of SO2, NOx and particles from individual ships using a sniffer technique

Jörg Beecken, Johan Mellqvist, Kent Salo et al
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques. Vol. 7 (7), p. 1957-1968
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


IGPS software

Johan Ekholm Optical Remote Sensing
Johan Mellqvist Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing
Alexander Vladimir Conde Jacobo Optical Remote Sensing
FluxSense AB


Rökgasutsläpp från fartyg

Johan Mellqvist Optical Remote Sensing
Johan Ekholm Optical Remote Sensing
Jörg Beecken Maritime Environmental Sciences
South Coast Air Quality Management

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