Anders Bondeson

Showing 42 publications


A quasi-planar incident wave excitation for time-domain scattering analysis of periodic structures

DAVID DEGERFELDT, Tomas Halleröd, Börje Emilsson et al
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices, and Fields. Vol. 19 (5), p. 409-419
Journal article

Resistive wall stabilized operation in rotating high beta NSTX plasmas

S. A. Sabbagh, A. C. Sontag, J. Bialek et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 46 (5), p. 635-644
Journal article

Computational Electromagnetics

Anders Bondeson, Thomas Rylander, Pär Ingelström

Shape and material optimization using gradient methods and the adjoint problem in time and frequency domain

Tomas Halleröd, David Ericsson, Anders Bondeson
COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering. Vol. 24 (3), p. 882-892
Journal article

Advances in FEM-FDTD hybrid methods

Thomas Rylander, Fredrik Edelvik, Anders Bondeson et al
Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-DomaMethod (3rd edition) -- Allen Taflove and Susan C. Hagness
Book chapter

A quasi-planar incident wave excitation for time-domain scattering analysis of periodic structures

David Ericsson, Tomas Halleröd, Börje Emilsson et al

Control of the resistive wall mode with internal coils in the DIII-D tokamak

M. Okabayashi, J. Bialek, Anders Bondeson et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 45 (12), p. 1715-1731
Journal article

Gradient Optimization of Microwave Devices Using Continuum Design Sensitivities from the Adjoint Problem

Yongtao Yang, Tomas Halleröd, David Ericsson et al
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 2005 (5), p. 1780-1783
Journal article

Stabilization of Resistive Wall Modes in ITER by Active Feedback and Toroidal Rotation

Yueqiang Liu, Anders Bondeson, Y. Gribov et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 44, p. 232-
Journal article

Calculating the Scattering from Periodic Surfaces in Time Domain Using a FEM-FDTD Hybrid Code

David Ericsson, Tomas Halleröd, Anders Bondeson et al
EMB04, Computational Electromagnetics - Methods and Applications, Conference Proceedings, p. 74-79
Paper in proceeding

Stability, accuracy and application of an FDTD-TDFEM algorithm

Thomas Rylander, Anders Bondeson, Yueqiang Liu
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
Paper in proceeding

Application of Gradient Method to Shape Optimization in 3D

Yongtao Yang, Anders Bondeson, Thomas Rylander
EMB 04 - Electromagnetic Computations for Analysis and Design of Complex Systems
Paper in proceeding

Feedback and rotational stabilization of resistive wall modes in ITER

Yueqiang Liu, Anders Bondeson, M.S. Chu et al
20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference,Vilamoura, Portugal, 1-6 November 2004. Vol. TH, p. 2-1
Other conference contribution

Physics of Plasmas Modeling of Feedback and Rotation Stabilization of the Resistive Wall Mode in Tokamaks

M.S. Chu, Anders Bondeson, M.S. Chance et al
Physics of Plasmas. Vol. 11, p. 2497-
Journal article

Feedback Control of Resistive Wall Modes in Toroidal Devices

Yueqiang Liu, Anders Bondeson, D. Gregoratto et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 44 (1), p. 77-86
Journal article

Scaling of the Plasma Rotation Needed for Stabilizing the n = 1 Resistive Wall Mode (Ideal Kink) in the DIII D Tokamak

R.J. La Haye, Anders Bondeson, M.S. Chu et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 44, p. 1197-
Journal article

Physics and Stabilization of Resistive Wall Modes in Tokamaks

Anders Bondeson, Yueqiang Liu, Demetrio Gregoratto et al
Proc. 30th EPS Conf. On Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, St. Petersburg, Russia
Paper in proceeding

Edge Element Computations of Eddy Currents in Laminated Materials

Yueqiang Liu, Anders Bondeson, Rickard Bergström et al
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 39 (3), p. 1758-1765
Journal article

Numerical Simulations of High-Frequency Electrical Discharges Controlled by Dielectric Barriers

Yuriy Serdyuk, Anders Bondeson, Stanislaw Gubanski
Proc. XXVI Int. Conf. on Phenomena in Ionized Gases. Vol. 3, p. 111-112
Paper in proceeding

FEM-FDTD hybrid simulation of antennas in vehicles

Yading Li, Yueqiang Liu, Thomas Rylander et al
Antenn 03 - Nordic Antenna Symposium
Paper in proceeding

Eddy Current Computations Using Adaptive Grids and Edge Elements

Yueqiang Liu, Anders Bondeson, Rickard Bergström et al
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 38 (2), p. 449-
Journal article

Stability of explicit-implicit hybrid time-stepping schemes for Maxwell's equations

Thomas Rylander, Anders Bondeson
J. of Comput. Phys.. Vol. 179 (2), p. 426-438
Journal article

Application of Stable FEM-FDTD Hybrid to Scattering Problems

Thomas Rylander, Anders Bondeson
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. Vol. 50 (2), p. 141-144
Journal article

Physics and Control of Resistive Wall Modes

Anders Bondeson, Yueqiang Liu, Demetrio Gregoratto et al
Phys. Plasmas Vol 9 (15):2044-2050
Journal article

Optimization of broadband transition from waveguide to microstrip

Thomas Rylander, Pär Ingelström, Jan Stake et al
RVK 02 - Radiovetenskap och Kommunikation 2002
Paper in proceeding

Active Control of Resistive Wall Modes in Tokamaks

Yueqiang Liu, Anders Bondeson, Demetrio Gregoratto et al
29th EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Montreux, Switzerland
Paper in proceeding

High-pressure plasmas for radar wave absorption

Yuriy Serdyuk, Anders Bondeson, Stanislaw Gubanski

Control Analysis for Non-Axisymmetric Reistive Wall Mode Stabilization in the DIII-D Tokamak

Carl-Magnus Fransson, Bengt Lennartson, D.A. Humphreys et al
American Control Conference, Anchorage, AK, USA
Paper in proceeding

Active control of MHD modes in magnetic confinement systems

Anders Bondeson, Yueqiang Liu, Demetrio Gregoratto et al
9th European Fusion Theory Workshop, Helsingör, Denmark
Paper in proceeding

Active feedback stabilization of high-beta modes in tokamaks

Yueqiang Liu, Anders Bondeson, Carl-Magnus Fransson et al
28th EPS Conf. On Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Madeira, Portugal
Paper in proceeding

Iterative solution of global electromagnetic wavefields with finite elements

Andre Jaun, Karin Blomqvist, Anders Bondeson et al
Comput. Phys. Comm.. Vol. 135 (1), p. 74-81
Journal article

Active Feedback Stabilization of High-Beta Modes in Advanced Tokamaks

Anders Bondeson, Yueqiang Liu, Carl-Magnus Fransson et al
Nuclear Fusion. Vol. 41 (4), p. 455-463
Journal article

Adaptive mesh techniques for the FEM-FDTD hybrid solver

Pär Ingelström, Thomas Rylander, Anders Bondeson
EMB 01 - Electromagnetic Computations, Methods and Applications
Paper in proceeding

H-inf control of unstable uncertain plants using Horowitz bounds

Carl-Magnus Fransson, Bengt Lennartson, Claes Breitholtz et al
39th Conference on Decision and Control, Sydney, Australia
Paper in proceeding

Application of Stable FEM-FDTD Hybrid to Scattering and Antenna Problems

Thomas Rylander, Pär Ingelström, Anders Bondeson
Antenn 00
Paper in proceeding

Feedback stabilization of non-axisymmetric resistive wall modes in tokamaks. Part 1: Electromagnetical model

Yueqiang Liu, Anders Bondeson, Carl-Magnus Fransson et al
The Physics of Plasmas. Vol. 7 (9), p. 3681-3690
Journal article

Active feedback stabilization of high-beta modes in advanced Tokamaks

Anders Bondeson, Yueqiang Liu, Carl-Magnus Fransson et al
18th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Sorrento, Italy
Paper in proceeding

Feedback stabilization of non-axisymmetric resistive wall modes in tokamaks. Part 2: Control analysis

Carl-Magnus Fransson, Bengt Lennartson, Claes Breitholtz et al
The Physics of Plasmas. Vol. 7 (10), p. 4143-4151
Journal article

Stable FEM-FDTD hybrid method for Maxwell's equations

Thomas Rylander, Anders Bondeson
Comput. Phys. Comm.. Vol. 125 (1-3), p. 75-82
Journal article

Iterative Solution of Maxwell's Equation with Finite Elements

Andre Jaun, Karin Blomkvist, Anders Bondeson et al
8th European Fusion Theory Conference
Paper in proceeding

Hybrid Method Combining FDTD and FEM for Maxwell's Equations

Thomas Rylander, Anders Bondeson
RVK 99 - RadioVetenskap och Kommunikation 99
Paper in proceeding

FEM algorithms for Maxwell's equations

Thomas Rylander, Rickard Bergström, Mårten Levenstam et al
EMB 98 - Electromagnetic Computations for Analysis and Design of Complex Systems
Paper in proceeding

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