Elizabeth Marcheschi

Showing 28 publications


Residents’ acceptance towards car-free street experiments: Focus on perceived quality of life and neighborhood attachment

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Nina Vogel, Anders Larsson et al
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol. 14
Journal article

A Theoretical Model for Urban Walking Among People With Disabilities

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Agneta Stahl, Mai Almen et al
Frontiers in Psychology. Vol. 11 (156), p. 1-12
Journal article

The home as a place for rehabilitation-What is needed?

M. Elf, Maya Kylén, Elizabeth Marcheschi
Architecture for Residential Care and Ageing Communities: Spaces for Dwelling and Healthcare, p. 252-266
Book chapter

The built environment and its impact on health outcomes and experiences of patients, significant others and staff—A protocol for a systematic review

Marie Elf, A. Anaker, Elizabeth Marcheschi et al
Nursing Open. Vol. 7 (3), p. 895-899
Journal article

The physical environment and its effect on health outcomes: a systematic review.

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Ásgeir Sigurjónsson, Roger Ulrich et al
ARCH19 Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

The Importance of the Built Environment in Person-Centred Rehabilitation at Home: Study Protocol

Maya Kylén, Lena von Koch, Hélène Pessah-Rasmussen et al
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol. 16 (13)
Journal article

Interdisciplinary approach to evaluate environmental users’ perceived restoration in hospital public spaces.

Nicoletta Setola, Elena Bellini, Elizabeth Marcheschi
ARCH19 – Proceedings from the 4th Conference on Architecture Research Care & Health
Paper in proceeding

Home setting after stroke, facilitators and barriers: a systematic literature review

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Lena von Koch, Hélène Pessah-Rassmussen et al
Health and Social Care in the Community. Vol. 26 (4), p. e451-e459
Review article

To come home after a stroke: patients' early experiences of health and recovery in their home settings

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Marie Elf, Lena von Koch et al
Conference poster

Development of a methodology for the investigation of stroke patients’rehabilitation in home settings

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Lena Marie Elf, Lena von Koch et al
BMC Nursing - European Academy of Nursing Science and the Swedish Society of Nursing Summer Conference 2017: The Future Direction of European Nursing and Nursing Research: Malmö, Sweden. 04-05 July 2017. Vol. 16 (S1)
Paper in proceeding

Development and test of a methodology for the investigation of stroke patients’ rehabilitation in home settings

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Marie Elf
European Healthcare Design 2017 - Research, policy and practice
Paper in proceeding

Housing design and people with severe mental illness. An observational approach to the investigation of supported housing facilities.

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Maria Johansson, Thorbjörn Laike et al
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. Vol. 57 (1), p. 12-21
Journal article

Environmental psychology and outpatient care setting

Elizabeth Marcheschi
Lokaler för öppenvård konferens, 27-01-16, Chalmers Göteborg, Sweden
Other conference contribution

Quality of life and place attachment among people with severe mental illness

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Thorbjörn Laike, David Brunt et al
Journal of Environmental Psychology. Vol. 41, p. 145-154
Journal article

Human physiological benefits of viewing nature: EEG responses to exact and statistical fractal patterns.

Carolin Hagerall, Thorbjörn Laike, Richard Taylor et al
Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences. Vol. 19 (1), p. 1-12
Journal article

Place attachment and quality of life among people with severe mental illness in supported housing facilities.

Elizabeth Marcheschi
IAPS 23, July 4-7 2014, Timisoara, Romania
Paper in proceeding

Physical-environment Qualities of Supported-housing Facilities for People with Severe Mental Illness

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Maria Johansson, David Brunt et al
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research. Vol. 31 (2), p. 128-142
Journal article

The Influence of Physical Environmental Qualities on the Social Climate of Supported Housing Facilities for People with Severe Mental Illness.

Elizabeth Marcheschi, David Brunt, Lars Hansson et al
Issues in Mental Health Nursing. Vol. 34 (2), p. 117-123
Journal article

The interaction between physical and social environment in supported housing for people with severe mental illness.

Elizabeth Marcheschi
IAPS, 2012, Glasgow, Scotland
Paper in proceeding

Environmental qualities in supported housing facilities for people with severe mental illness.

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Maria Johansson, David Brunt et al
Arch 2012, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

Human eeg responses to exact and statistical fractal patterns.

Caroline Hagerhall, Richard Taylor, Thorbjörn Laike et al
IAPS 22, Glasgow, Scottland 2012/06/24 → 2012/06/29
Paper in proceeding

The physical environment of supported housing

Elizabeth Marcheschi
Conference for the Centre for Evidence-based Psychosocial Interventions (CEPI), 2011, Malmö, Sweden
Other conference contribution

The physical environment of supported housing for people with severe mental illness

Elizabeth Marcheschi, Maria Johansson, David Brunt et al
Environment 2.0. 9th Biennale Conference of Environmental Psychology, 2011/09/26 → 2011/09/28 Eindhoven, Netherlands
Paper in proceeding

Supported housing for people with severe mental illness (SMI)

Elizabeth Marcheschi
Områdesgruppen i Miljöpsykologi
Other conference contribution

Depressive Personality Disorder Inventory-Swedish version: Reliability and related clinical variables

Rachel Maddux, Lars-Gunnar Lundh, Elizabeth Marcheschi
11th European Congress of Psychology
Other conference contribution

Psychometric validation of the Swedish Depressive Personality Disorder Inventory

Rachel Maddux, Lars-Gunnar Lundh, Elizabeth Marcheschi
European Congress of Psychology, 2009/07/07 → 2009/09/10 Oslo, Norway
Conference poster

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Showing 2 research projects


Car-free Urban Districts

Elizabeth Marcheschi Building Design


Integrative Ways of Residing: Health and Quality of Residence Architectural Inventions for Dwelling, Ageing and Healthcaring AIDAH

Sten Gromark Building Design
Hanna Morichetto Building Design
Roger Ulrich Building Design
Marie Strid Building Design
Elizabeth Marcheschi Building Design
Ola Nylander Building Design
Saga Karlsson Building Design
Charlotta Thodelius Building Design
Elke Miedema Building Design
Maria Berezecka Mårtensson Building Design
Peter Fröst Building Design
Inga Malmqvist Building Design
Anna Braide Building Design
Cecilia Pettersson Building Design
Göran Lindahl Construction Management

13 publications exist
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