Erik Karlsson

Showing 15 publications


Sodium salt scaling in black liquor evaporators and the effects of the addition of tall oil brine

Erik Karlsson, Anders Åkesjö
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 36 (1), p. 1-20
Journal article

Evaluation of sodium salt scaling in black liquor evaporators using existing process data

Erik Karlsson
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 35 (4), p. 516-532
Journal article

Strategies for Controlling Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporator: The Influence of the Bulk Crystal Population

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon
Journal of Science & Technology for Forest Products and Processes. Vol. 7 (2), p. 30-37
Journal article

The Effect of Bulk Crystals on Sodium Salt Scaling in Black Liquor Evaporators

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 32 (2), p. 299-308
Journal article

Separation and recirculation of bulk crystals to potentially mitigate sodium salt scaling in black liquor evaporators

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 31 (4), p. 592-599
Journal article

Heat transfer for falling film evaporation of industrially relevant fluids up to very high Prandtl numbers

Mathias Gourdon, Erik Karlsson, F. Innings et al
Waerme-Stoffuebertrag Thermo-Fluid Dyn. Vol. 52 (2), p. 379-391
Journal article

Modeling and evaluation of evaporator cleaning

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon et al
Proceedings of the 2014 International Chemical Recovery Conference. Vol. 1, p. 234-247
Paper in proceeding

Cleaning of Water-Soluble Scales in Black Liquor Evaporators – A Modeling Approach

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, L. Olausson et al
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (50), p. 19600-19611
Journal article

Modelling and Evaluation of Evaporator Cleaning

Erik Karlsson, Lennart Vamling, Mathias Gourdon et al
J-FOR. Vol. 4 (6), p. 23-33
Journal article

Solid Dissolution into a Vertical Falling Film under Industrial-like Conditions

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lennart Vamling
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. Vol. 53 (22), p. 9478-9487
Journal article

Heat transfer for falling film evaporation of black liquor up to very high Prandtl numbers

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lars Olausson et al
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. Vol. 65, p. 907-918
Journal article

Pulp mill biorefineries

Mathias Gourdon, Johan Isaksson, Erik Karlsson et al
International Process Integration Jubilee Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, March 18-20 2013
Conference poster

Dissolution rate of sodium salt scales in falling film evaporators

Erik Karlsson, Anna Broberg, Anders Åkesjö et al
Conference Proceeding, Heat Exchanger Fouling and Cleaning, June 09-14, Budapest
Paper in proceeding

Crystallization fouling of sodium salts in black liquor falling film evaporators – development of experimental method and first results

Erik Karlsson, Mathias Gourdon, Lars Olausson et al
Nordic Pulp and Paper Research Journal. Vol. 28 (4), p. 506-513
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Strategies to minimize fouling in black liquor evaporators

Erik Karlsson Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Anders Åkesjö Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Lennart Vamling Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Mathias Gourdon Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Swedish Energy Agency
Stora Enso AB

2 publications exist
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