Eva Andersson

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Showing 29 publications


Work environment and safety climate in the Swedish merchant fleet

Karl Forsell, Helena Eriksson, Bengt Järvholm et al
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. Vol. 90 (2), p. 161-168
Journal article

Comparison of integration options for gasification-based biofuel production systems - Economic and greenhouse gas emission implications

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Energy. Vol. 111, p. 272-294
Journal article

Faktaunderlag med klimat utmaningar för Västra Götaland Ett gott liv i en fossiloberoende region

Jesper Adolfsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Petra Andersson et al

The influence of biomass supply chains and by-products on the greenhouse gas emissions from gasification-based bio-SNG production systems

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Energy. Vol. 90, p. 148-162
Journal article

Perspectives on Investment Cost Estimates for Gasification-Based Biofuel Production Systems

K. M. Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 45, p. 427-432
Review article

Pinch analysis at Preem LYR II - Modifications

Anders Åsblad, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Karin Eriksson et al

Gasification-based methanol production from biomass in industrial clusters: Characterisation of energy balances and greenhouse gas emissions

Kristina Holmgren, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Thore Berntsson et al
Energy. Vol. 69, p. 622-637
Journal article

Pinch analysis at Preem LYR

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Per-Åke Franck, Anders Åsblad et al

System aspects of biomass gasification with methanol synthesis - Process concepts and energy analysis

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Energy. Vol. 45 (1), p. 817-828
Journal article

Targeting for energy efficiency and improved energy collaboration between different companies using total site analysis (TSA)

Roman Hackl, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 36 (8), p. 4609-4615
Journal article

TSA II Stenungsund - Investigation of opportunities for implementation of proposed energy efficiency measures

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Per-Åke Franck, Roman Hackl et al

Evaluating the greenhouse gas impact from biomass gasification systems in industrial clusters – methodology and examples

Kristina Holmgren, Thore Berntsson, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al
Proceedings of World Renewable Energy Congress. Vol. 12 (057), p. 3098-3105
Paper in proceeding

Targeting for energy efficiency and improved energy collaboration between different companies using total site analysis (TSA)

Roman Hackl, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
19th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering, CHISA 2010 and 7th European Congress of Chemical Engineering, ECCE-7; Prague; Czech Republic; 28 August 2010 through 1 September 2010
Paper in proceeding

Total Site Analysis (TSA) Stenungsund

Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson

Targeting for Energy Efficiency and Improved Energy Collaboration Between Different Companies Using Total Site Analysis (TSA)

Roman Hackl, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Chemical Engineering Transactions. Vol. 21, p. 301-306
Paper in proceeding

Biokombi Rya - Biobränsleförgasning satt i system

Ingrid Nyström, Erik Ahlgren, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson et al

Benefits of Integrated Upgrading of Biofuels in Biorefineries - Systems Analysis

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson
Doctoral thesis

Comparison of pulp-mill-integrated hydrogen production from gasified black liquor with stand-alone production from gasified biomass

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 32 (4), p. 399-405
Journal article

Biokombi Rya - slutrapporter från ingående delprojekt

Erik Ahlgren, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Erik Marcus Kristian Axelsson et al

System analysis of hydrogen production from gasified black liquor

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Energy. Vol. 31 (15), p. 3426-3434
Journal article

Energy efficient upgrading of biofuel integrated with a pulp mill

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Energy. Vol. 31 (10-11), p. 1384-1394
Journal article

Energy-efficient pellet production in the forest industry - a study of obstacles and success factors

Anna Wolf, Anna Vidlund, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson
Biomass and Bioenergy. Vol. 30 (1), p. 38-45
Journal article

Comparison of pulp-mill integrated hydrogen production from gasified black liquor with stand-alone production from gasified biomass

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of ECOS 2005. Vol. 3, p. 1131-1138
Paper in proceeding

System analysis of hydrogen production from gasified black liquor

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost,Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy and Process Systems, ECOS 2004, Guanajuato, Mexico July 7-9, 2004 , Edited. by R. Rivero et al., p. pp 1435-1445
Paper in proceeding

A Swedish intermodal transport service based on line-trains serving freight forwarders

Johan Woxenius, Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Fredrik Bärthel et al
Paper presented at the 10th World Conference on Transport Research : WCTR '04 ; Istanbul Lütfi Kirdar Convention and Exhibition Center, July 4 - 8, 2004, Istanbul, Turkey
Paper in proceeding

Pulp-mill integrated biorefineries: A framework for assessing net CO 2 emission consequences

Eva Andersson, Simon Harvey
AIChE Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings, p. 203-208
Paper in proceeding

Pulp-mill integrated biorefineries: a framework for assessing net CO2 emission consequences

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey
Proceedings, AIChE 2004 Fall Annual Meeting. Nov 7-12, 2004, Austin, Texas, USA, p. p 203-208
Other conference contribution

Energieffektiv biobränsleförädling i skogsindustrin

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Anna Frimanzon, Anna Vidlund

Energy Efficient upgrading of Biofuel Integrated with a Pulp Mill

Eva Ingeborg Elisabeth Andersson, Simon Harvey, Thore Berntsson
Proceedings of ECOS 2003, Copenhagen, Denmark
Paper in proceeding

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