Eva Andersson
Showing 29 publications
Work environment and safety climate in the Swedish merchant fleet
Faktaunderlag med klimat utmaningar för Västra Götaland Ett gott liv i en fossiloberoende region
Perspectives on Investment Cost Estimates for Gasification-Based Biofuel Production Systems
Pinch analysis at Preem LYR II - Modifications
Total Site Analysis (TSA) Stenungsund
Biokombi Rya - Biobränsleförgasning satt i system
Benefits of Integrated Upgrading of Biofuels in Biorefineries - Systems Analysis
Biokombi Rya - slutrapporter från ingående delprojekt
System analysis of hydrogen production from gasified black liquor
Energy efficient upgrading of biofuel integrated with a pulp mill
Energy-efficient pellet production in the forest industry - a study of obstacles and success factors
System analysis of hydrogen production from gasified black liquor
A Swedish intermodal transport service based on line-trains serving freight forwarders
Pulp-mill integrated biorefineries: A framework for assessing net CO 2 emission consequences
Pulp-mill integrated biorefineries: a framework for assessing net CO2 emission consequences
Energieffektiv biobränsleförädling i skogsindustrin
Energy Efficient upgrading of Biofuel Integrated with a Pulp Mill
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