Ezio Iacocca

Showing 39 publications


Spin-current-mediated rapid magnon localisation and coalescence after ultrafast optical pumping of ferrimagnetic alloys

Ezio Iacocca, T. M. Liu, A. H. Reid et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 10 (1)
Journal article

Transverse instabilities of stripe domains in magnetic thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy

Max E. Ruth, Ezio Iacocca, Panayotis G. Kevrekidis et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 97 (10)
Journal article

Symmetry-broken dissipative exchange flows in thin-film ferromagnets with in-plane anisotropy

Ezio Iacocca, T. J. Silva, M. A. Hoefer
Physical Review B. Vol. 96 (13)
Journal article

Topologically Nontrivial Magnon Bands in Artificial Square Spin Ices with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction

Ezio Iacocca, O. Heinonen
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 8 (3), p. 034015-
Journal article

Long-range mutual synchronization of spin Hall nano-oscillators

Ahmad Awad, Philipp Dürrenfeld, Afshin Houshang et al
Nature Physics. Vol. 13 (3), p. 292-299
Journal article

Vortex-antivortex proliferation from an obstacle in thin film ferromagnets

Ezio Iacocca, M. A. Hoefer
Physical Review B. Vol. 95 (13)
Journal article

Breaking of Galilean Invariance in the Hydrodynamic Formulation of Ferromagnetic Thin Films

Ezio Iacocca, T. J. Silva, M. A. Hoefer
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 118 (1), p. Article number 017203-
Journal article

Tunable Mode Coupling in Nanocontact Spin-Torque Oscillators

S. S. L. Zhang, Ezio Iacocca, O. Heinonen
Physical Review Applied. Vol. 8 (1)
Journal article

A high-speed single sideband generator using a magnetic tunnel junction spin torque nano-oscillator

R. Sharma, N. Sisodia, Ezio Iacocca et al
Scientific Reports. Vol. 7 (1)
Journal article

Spin-wave-beam driven synchronization of nanocontact spin-torque oscillators

Afshin Houshang, Ezio Iacocca, Philipp Dürrenfeld et al
Nature Nanotechnology. Vol. 11, p. 280-286
Journal article

Reconfigurable wave band structure of an artificial square ice

Ezio Iacocca, S. Gliga, R. L. Stamps et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 93 (13)
Journal article

Homodyne-detected ferromagnetic resonance of in-plane magnetized nanocontacts: Composite spin-wave resonances and their excitation mechanism

M. Fazlali, Mykola Dvornik, Ezio Iacocca et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 93, p. 134427-
Journal article

Deterministic drift instability and stochastic thermal perturbations of magnetic dissipative droplet solitons

P. Wills, Ezio Iacocca, M. A. Hoefer
Physical Review B. Vol. 93 (14)
Journal article

Magnetic droplet nucleation boundary in orthogonal spin-torque nano-oscillators

Sunjae Chung, Anders Eklund, Ezio Iacocca et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 7, p. artikel nr 11209-
Journal article

Dynamic response of an artificial square spin ice

M. B. Jungfleisch, W. Zhang, Ezio Iacocca et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 93 (10)
Journal article

Mode-coupling mechanisms in nanocontact spin-torque oscillators

Ezio Iacocca, Philipp Dürrenfeld, O. Heinonen et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 91 (10), p. artikel 104405 -
Journal article

Dynamically stabilized magnetic skyrmions

Y. Zhou, Ezio Iacocca, Ahmad Awad et al
Nature Communications. Vol. 6, p. Article nr. 8193-
Journal article

Propagating spin waves excited by spin-transfer torque: A combined electrical and optical study

M. Madami, Ezio Iacocca, S. Sani et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 92 (2), p. artikel nr 024403-
Journal article

Comprehensive and macrospin-based magnetic tunnel junction spin torque oscillator model-part I: Analytical model of the MTJ STO

T. Chen, A. Eklund, Ezio Iacocca et al
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 62 (3), p. 1037-1044
Journal article

Comprehensive and macrospin-based magnetic tunnel junction spin torque oscillator model-Part II: Verilog-A model implementation

T. Chen, A. Eklund, Ezio Iacocca et al
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. Vol. 62 (3), p. 1045-1051
Journal article

Confined Dissipative Droplet Solitons in Spin-Valve Nanowires with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy

Ezio Iacocca, Randy K. Dumas, L. Bookman et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 112 (4)
Journal article

Magnetic droplet solitons in orthogonal nano-contact spin torque oscillators

S. M. Mohseni, S. R. Sani, Randy K. Dumas et al
Physica B: Condensed Matter. Vol. 435, p. 84-87
Journal article

Dependence of the colored frequency noise in spin torque oscillators on current and magnetic field

A. Eklund, Stefano Bonetti, S. R. Sani et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 104 (9)
Journal article

Mode-hopping mechanism generating colored noise in a magnetic tunnel junction based spin torque oscillator

R. Sharma, Philipp Dürrenfeld, Ezio Iacocca et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 105 (13)
Journal article

CoFeB-Based Spin Hall Nano-Oscillators

Mojtaba Ranjbar, Philipp Dürrenfeld, Mohammad Haidar et al
IEEE Magnetics Letters. Vol. 5, p. Article nr. 3000504-
Journal article

Modulation-mediated unlocking of a parametrically phase-locked spin torque oscillator

Philipp Dürrenfeld, Ezio Iacocca, Johan Åkerman et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 105 (25)
Journal article

Generation linewidth of mode-hopping spin torque oscillators

Ezio Iacocca, O. Heinonen, Pranaba Muduli Kishor et al
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 89 (5)
Journal article

Recent Advances in Nanocontact Spin-Torque Oscillators

Randy K. Dumas, S. R. Sani, S. M. Mohseni et al
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 50 (6)
Journal article

Effect of Excitation Fatigue on the Synchronization of Multiple Nanocontact Spin-Torque Oscillators

Afshin Houshang, Masoumeh Fazlali, S. R. Sani et al
IEEE Magnetics Letters. Vol. 5, p. Article nr. 3000404-
Journal article

Parametric excitation in a magnetic tunnel junction-based spin torque oscillator

Philipp Dürrenfeld, Ezio Iacocca, Johan Åkerman et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 104 (5)
Journal article

Spin transfer torque generated magnetic droplet solitons (invited)

Sunjae Chung, S. M. Mohseni, S. R. Sani et al
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 115 (17), p. artikel nr 172612-
Journal article

Resonant excitation of injection-locked spin-torque oscillators

Ezio Iacocca, Johan Åkerman
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 87 (21), p. artikel nr 214428-
Journal article

Decoherence, Mode Hopping, and Mode Coupling in Spin Torque Oscillators

O. G. Heinonen, Pranaba Muduli Kishor, Ezio Iacocca et al
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Vol. 49 (7), p. 4398-4404
Journal article

Spin Torque-Generated Magnetic Droplet Solitons

S. M. Mohseni, S. R. Sani, J. Persson et al
Science. Vol. 339 (6125), p. 1295-1298
Journal article

Spin-Wave-Mode Coexistence on the Nanoscale: A Consequence of the Oersted-Field-Induced Asymmetric Energy Landscape

Randy K. Dumas, Ezio Iacocca, Stefano Bonetti et al
Physical Review Letters. Vol. 110 (25), p. artikel nr 257202-
Journal article

Analytical investigation of modulated spin-torque oscillators in the framework of coupled differential equations with variable coefficients

Ezio Iacocca, Johan Åkerman
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics. Vol. 85 (18)
Journal article

Frequency modulation of spin torque oscillator pairs

Yevgen Pogoryelov, Pranaba Muduli Kishor, Stefano Bonetti et al
Applied Physics Letters. Vol. 98 (19), p. 192501-
Journal article

Destabilization of serially connected spin-torque oscillators via non-Adlerian dynamics

Ezio Iacocca, Johan Åkerman
Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 110 (10), p. 103910-
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Solitary waves and dispersive hydrodynamics on the nanoscale for next generation storage and logic applications

Ezio Iacocca Condensed Matter Theory
Mattias Marklund Condensed Matter Theory
Swedish Research Council (VR)

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