Fanda Meng

Showing 5 publications


Protocells: Milestones and Recent Advances

Irep Gözen, Elif Senem Köksal, I. Poldsalu et al
Small. Vol. 18 (18)
Review article

One-Shot Full-Range Quantification of Multi-Biomarkers With Different Abundance by a Tandem Giant Magnetoresistance Assay

Fanda Meng, Lei Zhang, Jie Lian et al
Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. 10
Journal article

Dynamic Range Expansion of the C-Reactive Protein Quantification with a Tandem Giant Magnetoresistance Biosensor

Fanda Meng, Lei Zhang, Weisong Huo et al
ACS Omega. Vol. 6 (19), p. 12923-12930
Journal article

A tandem giant magnetoresistance assay for one-shot quantification of clinically relevant concentrations of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide in human blood

Fanda Meng, Weisong Huo, Jie Lian et al
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Vol. 413 (11), p. 2943-2949
Journal article

Recent Advances on Sorting Methods of High-Throughput Droplet-Based Microfluidics in Enzyme Directed Evolution

Xiaozhi Fu, Yueying Zhang, Qiang Xu et al
Frontiers in Chemistry. Vol. 9
Review article

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