Ferry Nugroho
Showing 31 publications
Optical Hydrogen Nanothermometry of Plasmonic Nanoparticles under Illumination
Inverse designed plasmonic metasurface with parts per billion optical hydrogen detection
Novel wide-bandgap non-fullerene acceptors for efficient tandem organic solar cells
Plasmonic Metasurface for Spatially Resolved Optical Sensing in Three Dimensions
A Library of Late Transition Metal Alloy Dielectric Functions for Nanophotonic Applications
Direct Comparison of PdAu Alloy Thin Films and Nanoparticles upon Hydrogen Exposure
Optical Property-Composition Correlation in Noble Metal Alloy Nanoparticles Studied with EELS
Metal–polymer hybrid nanomaterials for plasmonic ultrafast hydrogen detection
Topographically Flat Nanoplasmonic Sensor Chips for Biosensing and Materials Science
Plasmonic Nanospectroscopy for Thermal Analysis of Organic Semiconductor Thin Films
A Fullerene Alloy Based Photovoltaic Blend with a Glass Transition Temperature above 200 °C
Hysteresis-Free Nanoplasmonic Pd-Au Alloy Hydrogen Sensors
CO2 Detection and Plasmonic Spectroscopy of CO2 Adsorption Energetics in Porous Sorbents for CCS
Bottom-Up Nanofabrication of Supported Noble Metal Alloy Nanoparticle Arrays for Plasmonics
On The Role of Size Shape and Composition in Metal Nanoparticle-Hydrogen Interactions
PdAu Alloy Optical Plasmonic Sensors for Hysteresis Free Hydrogen Sensors
Hysteresis-Free Nanoplasmonic Pd-Au Alloy Hydrogen Sensors
UV–Visible and Plasmonic Nanospectroscopy of the CO2 Adsorption Energetics in a Microporous Polymer
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Showing 1 research projects
Mistra Environmental Nanosafety