Flemming Norrgren

Showing 11 publications


What Do Good Global Leaders Do?

Tobias Fredberg, Flemming Norrgren
Harvard Business Review (January 19)
Magazine article

Higher Ambition: How Great Leaders Create Economic and Social Value

Michael Beer, Russell A Eisenstat, Nathaniel Foote et al

Developing and sustaining change capability via learning mechanisms: A longitudinal perspective on transformation

Tobias Fredberg, Flemming Norrgren, Abraham AB Shani
Research on Organizational Development and Change, eds. Pasmore, WA, Woodman, R and Shani AB
Book chapter

The Challenge of Managing Boundary-Spanning Research Activities: Experiences from the Swedish Context: The challenge of managing boundary spanning research

N Adler, Maria Elmquist, Flemming Norrgren
Research Policy. Vol. 38 (7), p. 1136-1149
Journal article

Making it Happen: Leadership and the Practice of Strategy

Tobias Fredberg, Michael Beer, Russell A Eisenstat et al
Strategic Management Society Meeting
Paper in proceeding

Embracing Commitment and Performance: CEOs and Practices Used to Manage Paradox

Tobias Fredberg, Michael Beer, Russell A Eisenstat et al

The uncompromising leader

R. A. Eisenstat, M. Beer, N. Foote et al
Harvard Business Review. Vol. 86 (7-8), p. 50-+
Journal article

Loud killers and already-invented-here: managing change in professional organizations

Niclas Adler, Maria Elmquist, B Frössevi et al
the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 4-8, 2007.
Paper in proceeding

Political leadership in successful product development projects

Susanne Ollila, Flemming Norrgren, Joseph Schaller

Product Development Efficincy in Cross-Functional Teams

Max Rapp-Ricciardi, Flemming Norrgren, Joseph Schaller
Proceedings 3rd Product Development Conference
Other conference contribution

Product development in inter-organizational networks

Lars Norén, Flemming Norrgren, Lars Trygg
International Journal of Technology Management
Journal article

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Showing 2 research projects


Driving Innovation through a higher purpose

Johanna Pregmark Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Flemming Norrgren Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy


Organizing and Renewal in Media Companies

Tobias Fredberg Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Flemming Norrgren Entrepreneurship and Strategy

There might be more projects where Flemming Norrgren participates, but you have to be logged in as a Chalmers employee to see them.