Kenneth Gacutno Arandia

Showing 5 publications


Fouling characteristics of microcrystalline cellulose during cross-flow microfiltration: Insights from fluid dynamic gauging and molecular dynamics simulations

Kenneth Gacutno Arandia, Nabin Kumar Karna, Tuve Mattsson et al
Journal of Membrane Science. Vol. 669
Journal article

Monitoring Membrane Fouling Using Fluid Dynamic Gauging: Influence of Feed Characteristics and Operating Conditions

Kenneth Gacutno Arandia, Nabin Kumar Karna, Tuve Mattsson et al
Membranes. Vol. 13 (10)
Journal article

Development of a fluid dynamic gauging method for the characterization of fouling behavior during cross-flow filtration of a wood extraction liquor

Kenneth Gacutno Arandia, Upasna Balyan, Tuve Mattsson
Food and Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of of Chemical Engineers, Part C. Vol. 128, p. 30-40
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Investigation of membrane fouling during cross-flow filtration of wood components

Tuve Mattsson Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Nabin Kumar Karna Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Anette Larsson Anette Larsson Group
Hans Theliander Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Kenneth Gacutno Arandia Forest Products and Chemical Engineering
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation

3 publications exist
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