Membrane Filtration of Lignocellulosic Materials: In situ Monitoring of Membrane Fouling Using Fluid Dynamic Gauging
Doctoral thesis, 2023

The transition of process industries from utilizing fossil-based resources to bio-based ones necessitates energy-efficient and selective operations. One practical operation that can be employed for processing streams containing lignocellulosic biomass, such as forest and agricultural residues, is membrane separation. However, the persistent challenge that limits the application of membrane separation in such processes is the deposition of suspended or dissolved substances on the surface or within the pores of a membrane, a phenomenon referred to asmembrane fouling. An in-depth understanding of membrane fouling is therefore necessary to develop appropriate antifouling strategies.

In this work, fluid dynamic gauging (FDG) was employed as an in situ and real-time technique for monitoring the fouling characteristics of microcrystalline cellulose (MCC), Kraft lignin, and steam explosion (STEX) liquors on flat-sheet polymeric membranes. Cross-flow microfiltration (MF) was performed for the MCC and Kraft lignin suspensions, whereas cross-flow ultrafiltration was carried out for the STEX liquors. Furthermore, physical and chemical cleaning were performed to the fouled membranes after the cross-flowMF of MCC and Kraft lignin suspensions, respectively, to restore their separation performance.

The thickness and strength properties of the fouling layers formed were investigated using FDG. The FDG profiles revealed that the build-up of fouling layers was significantly influenced by the feed characteristics and operating conditions. The thickness of the cake layers varied with changes in process conditions, while the cohesive strength of fouling layers increased towards the membrane due to higher compressive pressures exerted on foulants deposited near the surface. Observations from refouling and membrane cleaning also provided significant insights into the fouling behavior,
showing changes in the membrane resistance and flux recovery. These results highlight how FDG can serve as a valuable tool in gaining a better mechanistic understanding of the fouling behavior of streams containing wood components during cross-flow filtration. Such knowledge is essential,
especially in developing membrane separation processes for lignocellulosic materials.

Wood components

Membrane fouling

Fluid dynamic gauging

Cross-flow filtration

10:an, Kemigårgen 4, Chalmers
Opponent: Professor Ian Wilson, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom


Kenneth Gacutno Arandia

Chalmers, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Chemical Technology

Development of a fluid dynamic gauging method for the characterization of fouling behavior during cross-flow filtration of a wood extraction liquor

Food and Bioproducts Processing: Transactions of the Institution of of Chemical Engineers, Part C,;Vol. 128(2021)p. 30-40

Journal article

Investigation of Kraft lignin fouling and cleaning on regenerated cellulose membranes

In the transition towards a more sustainable society, optimizing the use of renewable, bio-based resources, such as lignocellulosic biomass (plant dry matter), is crucial. The processing of lignocellulosic biomass derived from forest and agricultural residues requires energy-efficient and cost-effective operations. One practical operation that can be employed for processing these materials is membrane filtration. It is a method for separating solids in either liquid solutions or gas mixtures using a filter medium. As a simple and selective operation, membrane filtration has the potential to recover valuable substances from underutilized process streams containing wood components. The efficient recovery of these substances can contribute to the production of renewable, value-added materials, thereby promoting sustainable consumption and production of forest-based resources.

However, one of the biggest challenges that limit the separation performance of membrane processes is fouling — the accumulation of contaminants on the surface and within the pores of a membrane. Membrane fouling incurs additional operational costs and opportunity losses due to downtime and cleaning of fouled membranes. Understanding the underlying mechanisms behind membrane fouling through real-time characterization techniques is essential in developing effective control strategies.

This thesis presents fluid dynamic gauging as a real-time technique for monitoring the fouling characteristics of wood components in membrane filtration. The focus is placed on determining the influence of process conditions on the build-up of fouling layers. The findings in this work can serve as a valuable tool in gaining an in-depth understanding of membrane fouling during the separation of wood components, which is an important aspect in developing membrane processes for lignocellulosic materials.

Investigation of membrane fouling during cross-flow filtration of wood components

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, 2014-03-01 -- 2019-02-28.

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, 2019-04-15 -- 2023-11-15.

Driving Forces

Sustainable development

Areas of Advance



Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)

Paper, Pulp and Fiber Technology

Chemical Process Engineering


Chalmers Materials Analysis Laboratory



Doktorsavhandlingar vid Chalmers tekniska högskola. Ny serie: 5425



10:an, Kemigårgen 4, Chalmers


Opponent: Professor Ian Wilson, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

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