Anders Genell

Showing 13 publications


Elektrifierade Bygg- och Anläggningsplatser II (Electric Worksite II)

Lars Bern, Sara Janhäll, Anders Genell et al
Report - Lindholmen Science Park

Rail Acceleration Induced by Train Pass-by—Field Measurements and Validation of a Simulation Model

Peter Torstensson, Emil Aggestam, Michele Maglio et al
Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, p. 302-311
Paper in proceeding

Emoacoustics: A study of the psychoacoustical and psychological dimensions of emotional sound design

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll, Ana Tajadura et al
AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society. Vol. 60 (1/2), p. 21-28
Journal article

Multi-sensory congruence in vehicle sound quality assessment: effects of vibration and irrelevant emotional primes on affective reactions and evaluations of product sounds

Anders Genell, Daniel Västfjäll, Clement Schmelzle et al
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. Vol. 224 (D10), p. 1303-1310
Journal article

Emoacoustics: a study on the physical and psychological dimensions of sound design

Erkin Asutay, Daniel Västfjäll, Ana Tajadura et al
3rd Int. Workshop on Perceptual Quality of Systems, 2010, Bautzen, Germany, p. 35-39
Paper in proceeding

Emoacoustics: sound character versus source meaning in emotional responses to sounds

Penny Bergman, Daniel Västfjäll, Erkin Asutay et al
Icben 2008
Conference poster

Perception of Sound and Vibration in Heavy Trucks

Anders Genell
Doctoral thesis

Multimodal interaction in perception of truck environments

Anders Genell, Daniel Västfjäll, Niklas Fransson
International Journal of Vehicle Sound and Vibration
Magazine article

The influence of meaning on noise annoyance from varied spectral

Anders Genell, Daniel Västfjäll
Paper in proceeding

Sound quality aspects of small computer fans

Mike Magill, Anders Genell, Mendel Kleiner et al
Paper in proceeding

Method to investigate recognition of computer fan sound in a

Mike Magill, Anders Genell, Mendel Kleiner et al
Paper in proceeding

Components in evaluation of complex interior truck sounds

Anders Genell, Daniel Västfjäll, Mendel Kleiner et al
Journal of Low Frequency Noise and Vibration. Vol. 25 (4), p. 227-237
Journal article

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