Gert Göransson

Showing 13 publications


Metallic Bipolar Plates for High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells

Patrik Alnegren, Jan Gustav Grolig, Johanna Ekberg et al
Fuel Cells. Vol. 16 (1), p. 39-45
Journal article

CMOS compatible on-chip decoupling capacitor based on vertically aligned carbon nanofibers

Muhammad Amin, Gert Göransson, Vincent Desmaris et al
Solid-State Electronics. Vol. 107, p. 15-19
Journal article

Low temperature and cost-effective growth of vertically aligned carbon nanofibers using spin-coated polymer-stabilized palladium nanocatalysts

Muhammad Amin, S. Shafiee, T. Krasia-Christoforou et al
Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. Vol. 16 (1), p. artikel nr 015007-
Journal article

Sustainable carbon nanofibers/nanotubes composites from cellulose as electrodes for supercapacitors

Volodymyr Kuzmenko, Olga Naboka, Mohammad Mazharul Haque et al
Energy. Vol. 90 (2), p. 1490-1496
Journal article

Capacitive effects of nitrogen doping on cellulose-derived carbon nanofibers

Volodymyr Kuzmenko, Olga Naboka, Henrik Staaf et al
Materials Chemistry and Physics. Vol. 160, p. 59-65
Journal article

Carbon nanotubes/nanofibers composites from cellulose for supercapacitors

Volodymyr Kuzmenko, Muhammad Amin, Olga Naboka et al
16th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2014; Seville; Spain; 22 June 2014 through 26 June 2014
Paper in proceeding

Carbon Nanotubes/Nanofibers Composites from Cellulose as Electrodes for Sustainable Energy Devices

Volodymyr Kuzmenko, Muhammad Amin, Olga Naboka et al
The World Conference on Carbon (Carbon2014), June 29 - July 4, Jeju, South Korea. Vol. ORT6-54
Paper in proceeding

Oxygen reduction in alkaline solution using mixed carbon paste/NixCo1-xO electrodes

Gert Göransson, Elisabet Ahlberg
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 146, p. 638-645
Journal article

Oxidation of propenol on nanostructured Ni and NiZn electrodes in alkaline solution.

Gert Göransson, Jakub S Jirkovský, Petr Krtil et al
Electrochimica Acta. Vol. 139, p. 345-355
Journal article

Characterisation of pulse plated Ni and Ni-Zn alloys.

Gert Göransson, Annika Johansson, Fredrik Falkenberg et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 161, p. D476-D483
Journal article

Carbon nanotubes as electrode for supercapacitors

Henrik Staaf, Muhammad Amin, Gert Göransson et al
2nd International Conference on Materials for Energy, May 12-16, 2013 and Karlsruhe, Germany
Paper in proceeding

Local Structure of Pulse Plated Ni Rich Ni-Zn Alloys and Its Effect on the Electrocatalytic Activity in the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

Gert Göransson, Matthias Peter, Jiri Franc et al
Journal of the Electrochemical Society. Vol. 159 (9), p. D555-D562
Journal article

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