Gert Göransson
Showing 13 publications
Metallic Bipolar Plates for High Temperature Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
CMOS compatible on-chip decoupling capacitor based on vertically aligned carbon nanofibers
Sustainable carbon nanofibers/nanotubes composites from cellulose as electrodes for supercapacitors
Capacitive effects of nitrogen doping on cellulose-derived carbon nanofibers
Electrocatalytic properties of Ni hydroxides with Zn or Co in the Ni matrix
Carbon nanotubes/nanofibers composites from cellulose for supercapacitors
Carbon Nanotubes/Nanofibers Composites from Cellulose as Electrodes for Sustainable Energy Devices
Oxygen reduction in alkaline solution using mixed carbon paste/NixCo1-xO electrodes
Oxidation of propenol on nanostructured Ni and NiZn electrodes in alkaline solution.
Characterisation of pulse plated Ni and Ni-Zn alloys.
Carbon nanotubes as electrode for supercapacitors
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