Gesa Praetorius
Showing 20 publications
Evaluation of eye-tracking as support in simulator training for maritime pilots
Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA) of marine piloting in a Swedish Context
Modelling Vessel Traffic Service to understand resilience in everyday operations
Situation awareness and maritime traffic: having awareness or being in control?
Vessel Traffic Service (VTS): a maritime information service or traffic control system?
Maritime traffic management: a need for central coordination?
Control and resilience within the maritime traffic management domain
Experimental evaluation of a joint cognitive system for 4D trajectory management
Communicating intended routes in ECDIS: Evaluating technological change
Decision support for vessel traffic service (VTS): user needs for dynamic risk management in the VTS
What is your intention? Communicating routes in electronic nautical charts
"Safety is everywhere" - The constituents of maritime safety
A Matter of Best Practice and Common Sense: Maritime Safety from a Crew Perspective
Enacting Reliability: First Steps to Define Safety in the VTS Domain.
The context matters: Maritime safety in the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Domain
The Subject, not just an object: Safety construction in the Vessel Traffic Service Domain
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