Gesa Praetorius

Showing 20 publications


Evaluation of eye-tracking as support in simulator training for maritime pilots

Anna-Lisa Osvalder, Rikard Eklund, Charlott Sellberg et al
Report - The Swedish Transport Administration

Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA) of marine piloting in a Swedish Context

Cecilia Berlin, Gesa Praetorius
Human Factors in Transportation. Vol. 95 (2023), p. 709-718
Paper in proceeding

Modelling Vessel Traffic Service to understand resilience in everyday operations

Gesa Praetorius, E. Hollnagel, Joakim Dahlman
Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Vol. 141, p. 10-21
Journal article

Situation awareness and maritime traffic: having awareness or being in control?

Fulko Cornelis van Westrenen, Gesa Praetorius
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. Vol. 15 (2), p. 161-180
Journal article

Ecological interface design: Control space robustness in future trajectory-based air traffic control decision support

R. Klomp, C. Borst, M. Mulder et al
Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Vol. 2014-January (January), p. 329-334
Paper in proceeding

Maritime traffic management: a need for central coordination?

Fulko Cornelis van Westrenen, Gesa Praetorius
Cognition, Technology and Work. Vol. 16 (1), p. 59-70
Journal article

Control and resilience within the maritime traffic management domain

Gesa Praetorius, E. Hollnagel
Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making. Vol. 8 (4), p. 303-317
Journal article

Experimental evaluation of a joint cognitive system for 4D trajectory management

R. Klomp, C. Borst, M. Mulder et al
SIDs 2013 - Proceedings of the SESAR Innovation Days. 3rd SESAR Innovation Days, Stockholm, Sweden, 26-28 November 2013
Paper in proceeding

Communicating intended routes in ECDIS: Evaluating technological change

Thomas Porathe, Margareta Lützhöft, Gesa Praetorius
Accident Analysis and Prevention. Vol. 60 (60), p. 366- 370
Journal article

Learning lessons in resilient traffic management: A cross-domain study of Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) and Air Traffic Control (ATC)

Gesa Praetorius, Fulko Cornelis van Westrenen, Deborah Louise Rushton et al
Human Factors: a view from an integrative perspective
Book chapter

Decision support for vessel traffic service (VTS): user needs for dynamic risk management in the VTS

Gesa Praetorius, Margareta Lützhöft
Work. Vol. 41 (Suppl. 1), p. 4866-4872
Journal article

What is your intention? Communicating routes in electronic nautical charts

Thomas Porathe, Margareta Lützhöft, Gesa Praetorius
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Vol. 48, p. 3266-3273
Paper in proceeding

"Safety is everywhere" - The constituents of maritime safety

Gesa Praetorius, Margareta Lützhöft
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 55th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, HFES 2011 Las Vegas, NV 19 September 2011 through 23 September 2011, p. 1798-1802
Paper in proceeding

Learning from the past for pro-activity -A re-analysis of the accident of the MV Herald of Free Enterprise

Gesa Praetorius, Monica Lundh, Margareta Lützhöft
Proceedings of the fourth Resilience Engineering Symposium, June 8-10, 2011, Sophia Antipolis, p. 217-225
Paper in proceeding

A Matter of Best Practice and Common Sense: Maritime Safety from a Crew Perspective

Gesa Praetorius
D-CIS Lab Human Factors Event
Conference poster

Enacting Reliability: First Steps to Define Safety in the VTS Domain.

Gesa Praetorius, Karl Bruno, Margareta Lützhöft
HPAS 2010, International Conference on Human Performance at Sea Proceedings
Paper in proceeding

The context matters: Maritime safety in the Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Domain

Gesa Praetorius, Karl Bruno, Margareta Lützhöft
Reliability, Risk and Safety. Back to the Future (Proceedings of ESREL 2010), p. 1773-1780
Paper in proceeding

The Subject, not just an object: Safety construction in the Vessel Traffic Service Domain

Gesa Praetorius, Margareta Lützhöft
HFES European Chapter Annual Meeting 2009
Conference poster

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