Martin Gren

Showing 8 publications


Complexions and grain growth retardation: First-principles modeling of phase boundaries in WC-Co cemented carbides at elevated temperatures

Erik Fransson, Martin Gren, Göran Wahnström
Acta Materialia. Vol. 216
Journal article

First-principles modeling of complexions at the phase boundaries in Ti-doped WC-Co cemented carbides at finite temperatures

Erik Fransson, Martin Gren, H. Larsson et al
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 5 (9)
Journal article

Modeling of vibrational and configurational degrees of freedom in hexagonal and cubic tungsten carbide at high temperatures

Martin Gren, Erik Fransson, Mattias Ångqvist et al
Physical Review Materials. Vol. 5 (3)
Journal article

A computational study of the temperature dependence of interface and surface energies in WC–Co cemented carbides

Martin Gren, Erik Fransson, Göran Wahnström
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol. 87
Journal article

Wetting of surfaces and grain boundaries in cemented carbides and the effect from local chemistry

Martin Gren, Göran Wahnström
Materialia. Vol. 8
Journal article

Molecular dynamics simulation of WC/WC grain boundary sliding resistance in WC–Co cemented carbides at high temperature

Martin Petisme, Martin Gren, Göran Wahnström
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials. Vol. 49 (1), p. 75-80
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Flerskalsmodellering av plastisk deformation av hårdmetaller.

Göran Wahnström Materials and Surface Theory
Martin Gren Materials and Surface Theory
Erik Fransson Materials and Surface Theory
Swedish Research Council (VR)

6 publications exist
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