Hans Löfsten
Hans Löfsten, born in Gothenburg, Sweden, is a Swedish economist and professor, primarily active in the fields of technology management, technology transfer, industrial economics and entrepreneurship. Löfsten obtained his Doctor of Economics (PhD) in 1992 at the School of Economics and Commercial Law, University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He became an Associate Professor (Docent) in Technology Management at Chalmers University of Technology in 1999, a Professor in the same subject in 2005, and a Full Professor in Engineering Economic Analysis at Chalmers, Department of Technology Management and Economics, in 2007. Löfsten has also held positions at Gothenburg Research Institute (GRI) and Institute for Management of Innovation and Technology (IMIT). Previously, he has held positions at Chalmers as vice-dean, dean, and head of division during the 2000s. For many years, Löfsten has been involved in undergraduate and postgraduate education and has experience from many courses. Löfsten has also authored two textbooks in the field of industrial management and managerial economics. Additionally, he has supervised, as a main or co-supervisor, ten doctoral candidates to their doctoral degrees. Hans Löfsten has authored a substantial number of international scientific articles spanning various areas. His research primarily focuses on an efficient resource allocation for technology-based firms. The development of new technology-based firms and their innovations is crucial for new industrial structures and long-term economic development. Löfsten has published articles in journals such as Research Policy, Small Business Economics, R&D Management, Journal of Small Business Management, Technovation, Omega, The Journal of Technology Transfer, International Journal of Production Economics, and International Journal of Operations and Production Management. He is also well-known from several bibliometric studies where his articles on science parks, incubators, and new technology-based firms have been found to be prominent. Hans Löfsten is also an Associate Editor at The Journal of Technology Transfer.
Showing 92 publications
Policies for scaling up technology-based firms
Exploring dyadic relationships between Science Parks and universities: bridging theory and practice
Developing a knowledge ecosystem for large-scale research infrastructure
Science Parks: Stakeholder Involvement in Attracting Talent
Science parks as key players in entrepreneurial ecosystems
Science Parks, talent attraction and stakeholder involvement: an international study
Is low-growth really the opposite of high-growth? A business model perspective
Science Parks and talent attraction – an international study
Human capital, external relations, and early firm performance of technology-based start-ups
Support and development of small and new firms in rural areas
Maintenance and reinvestment policies: framework and principles
Industriell ekonomi – grundläggande ekonomisk analys
Human capital, external relations and new technology-based firms´ early performance
Measuring the (initial) business model of a new venture
Organisational capabilities and the long-term survival of new technology-based firms
Business and innovation resources: determinants for the survival of new technology-based firms
Industrialization of hybrid electric vehicle technology: identifying critical resource dimensions
International new ventures localised in incubators - markets, resources and dynamic environment
Managing in turbulence: how the capacity for resilience influences creativity
Industriell ekonomi – grundläggande ekonomisk analys
Creativity, trust and systematic processes in product development
Industrialization of hybrid electric vehicle technology - analysis of 40 Swedish potential suppliers
Förtroende och kreativitet i produktutveckling
Effects of platforms on new product development projects
Nourishment for the piggy bank: facilitation of external financing in incubators
Platforms and their effects on new product development projects
Towards incubator facilitation of technology transfer
Incubator performance: an efficiency frontier analysis
Nationella Inkubatorprogrammet (NIP) – Finansiering och resursnätverk
Inkubatorer i Sverige analys av indikatordimensioner och nyttoeffektivitet
Corporate governance and performance of small high-tech firms in Sweden
Business environment and property management issues: a study of growth firms in Sweden
Science Park effects in Sweden - dimensions critical for firm growth
Inkubatorers effektivitet – VINNKUBATOR
Determinants for an entrepreneurial milieu Science Parks and business policy in growing firms
Science Parks in Sweden - Industrial Renewal and Development?
Measuring Maintenance Performance - In Search for a Maintenance Productivity Index
Underhållets produktivitetsmått - några empiriska och teoretiska implikationer
Varför växer företagen i teknik- och forskningsparker?
Management of Industrial Maintenance - Economic Evaluation of Maintenance Policies
Maintenance of Municipal Infrastructure. Journal of Infrastructure Systems
Industriunderhåll - en dold strategisk resurs
Underhåll av kommunal infrastruktur - principer för planering, prissättning och finansiering
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