Harald Tägnfors
Showing 65 publications
Structural Mechanics at Chalmers, 1954 - 2002
Visualization of FE-data, interactively and on video
A recursive finite element scheme for point singularities in elliptic problems
Time Integration of Non-linear Heat Storage Problems
Numerical methods in structural dynamics. Adaptive FE-procedures
Data management in finite element programs
Numerical methods in structural dynamics. Adaptive FE-procedures
Numerical Methods in Structural Dynamics Adaptive FE-procedures
PRIVEC A tool for the management of arrays in a hierarchic data structure in primary memory
SITU General Manual for a Programming System which is SImple To Use
SITU-FRAME-E2-V1 - A Computer Program for second order analysis of plane frames with static loads
Datorstödd konstruktion - samordning och intensifiering av CAD-verksamhetn vid CTH
SITU-FLOW-G - A computer program for groundwater flow which is simple to use
A subroutine library for establishment and solution of linear equation systems
SBALK2 - Datorprogram för dimensionering av sadelbalkar i förspänd betong enligt BBK 79
Data management techniques in engineering computer programs
Seepage interaction in sand and clay
Features facilitating the development of the program package SITU for computer aided design purposes
Cost/benefit analysis in slope stability design
Koppling mellan geometridata och FEM
PRISEC - A tool for the data management in FORTRAN-programs
Design and generation of programs for interactive PRE-FEM-POST processing
On the behaviour of natural slopes in clay
Interaction problems in soil structure mechanics with material nonlinearity
PRISEC-VERSION 1, A tool for the data management in FORTRAN-programs
FEM som konstruktionshjälpmedel
SFVIBAT-II, A computer program for space frame vibration analysis, Volume 1 and 2
GEOFEM-G, Computer program for ground water seepage including confined aquifer analysis
Interaction problems in soil-structure mechanics with material nonlinearity
Finite element analysis of ground water flow and settlements in aquifers confined by clay
Some geomechanical and geohydrological problems analyzed by the finite element method
Aspects on input and output for finite element programs
Några geotekniska och geohydrologiska problem analyserade med finit elementmetod
Computer implementation of non-linear finite element analysis applied to some geotechnical problems
Finita elementmetodens tillämpning inom geomekanik
General solution routines for symmetric equation systems
SOLV, SOLVP, General solution routines for symmetric equation systems
PRAM, Datorprogram för analys av plan ram enligt 1:a och 2:a ordningens teori
FEMWT - A General Purpose Computer Program for Solving Problems by Finite Element Methods
Datorprogram för tredimensionell analys av höga byggnader
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