Heidi Norrström

Showing 11 publications


Energikrav och varsamhet i balans

Heidi Norrström
Tidningen Arkitekten som ges ut av Sveriges Arkitekter. Vol. Maj 2014 (4), p. 48-49
Magazine article

Energy efficiency and preservation. System thinking in a multiple case study.

Heidi Norrström
Cultural Heritage Preservation edited by Alexandra Troi and Elena Lucchi. EWCHP-2013. 3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation, EURAC Research, European Academy of Bolzano.16-18 September 2013.. Vol. 3rd, p. 203-210
Paper in proceeding

Sustainable and Balanced Energy Efficiency and Preservation in Our Built Heritage

Heidi Norrström
Sustainability. Vol. 5 (6), p. 2623-2643
Journal article

The EEPOCH Project – Multidisciplinarity in a Multiple Case Study

Heidi Norrström
International Conference, Built Heritage 2013, Monitoring Conservation management, Milan, Italy, November 18-20, held at the 150th anniversary for the foundation of the Politecnico di Milano, Centro per la Conservazione e Valorizzione dei Beni Culturali., p. 1107-1116
Other conference contribution

Experience in a design profession

Heidi Norrström
Knowing (by) Designing, edited by Johan Verbeke and Burak Pak, proceedings of the conference Knowing (by) Designing at LUCA, Sint-Lucas School of Architecture Brussels 22-23 May 2013., p. 810-818
Other conference contribution

Energy Efficiency and Preservation in Our Cultural Heritage - EEPOCH

Heidi Norrström, Michael Eden
Energy Efficiency in Historic Buildings, Editors Tor Broström and Lisa Nilsen. Postprints from the Conference in Visby, Februar 9-11 2011. Vol. Gotland University Press 15, 2012, p. 105-118
Paper in proceeding

Energy Efficiency and Preservation in Our Cultural Heritage

Heidi Norrström
Sustainability and change. The AGS Annual Meeting in January 2011, Alliance for Global Sustainability, Göteborg, Sweden
Paper in proceeding

EEPOCH a Multiple Case Study Involving Energy Efficiency, Preservation, and Management and Working Climate in Conservation Teams

Heidi Norrström, Michael Eden, Christer Gustafsson
ESA 2011 Cultures of Conservation and Sustainability. Vol. ESA 10th Conference in Geneva, Switzerland (ESA11-4609)
Other conference contribution

Energy efficiency and preservation in our cultural heritage in Halland, Sweden

Heidi Norrström, Michael Eden
Heritage 2010: Heritage and Sustainable Development. 2nd International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development Evora, PORTUGAL, JUN 22-26, 2010. Vol. 1-2, p. 589-599
Paper in proceeding

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