Hoai Nam Tran
Showing 17 publications
Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Annual Research Report 2016-17
Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Annual Research Report 2015
Investigation of the ex-core noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations in the Ringhals-3 PWR
Conceptual design of a new homogeneous reactor for medical radioisotope Mo-99/Tc-99m production
A multi-group neutron noise simulator for fast reactors
Neutron noise calculations in hexagonal geometry and comparison with analytical solutions
Investigation of neutron noise behaviour in a fast reactor using a multi-group noise simulator
Neutron noise calculations in a hexagonal geometry and comparison with analytical solutions
Neutronic characteristics of an OTTO refueling PBMR
Fuel burnup performance of an OTTO refueling pebble bed reactor with burnable poison loading
Core characteristics of an OTTO refueling pebble bed reactor and comparison with a multi-pass scheme
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