Hoai Nam Tran

Showing 17 publications


Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Annual Research Report 2016-17

Imre Pazsit, Cristina Montalvo, Hoai Nam Tran et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Annual Research Report 2015

Victor Dykin, Cristina Montalvo, Hoai Nam Tran et al
Report - Chalmers University of Technology

Investigation of the ex-core noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations in the Ringhals-3 PWR

Hoai Nam Tran, Imre Pazsit, Henrik Nylén
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 80, p. 434-446
Journal article

Calculation of the Neutron Noise Induced by Periodic Deformations of a Large Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Core

Florian Zylbersztejn, Hoai Nam Tran, Imre Pazsit et al
Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 177 (2), p. 203-218
Journal article

Conceptual design of a new homogeneous reactor for medical radioisotope Mo-99/Tc-99m production

P.H. Liem, Hoai Nam Tran, T.M. Sembiring et al
AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1615, p. 37-39
Paper in proceeding

A multi-group neutron noise simulator for fast reactors

Hoai Nam Tran, Florian Zylbersztejn, Christophe Demaziere et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 62, p. 158-169
Journal article

Neutron noise calculations in hexagonal geometry and comparison with analytical solutions

Hoai Nam Tran, Christophe Demaziere
Nuclear Science and Engineering. Vol. 175 (3), p. 340-351
Journal article

Investigation of neutron noise behaviour in a fast reactor using a multi-group noise simulator

Hoai Nam Tran
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants: Nuclear Power - A Safe and Sustainable Choice for Green Future, ICAPP 2013, Held with the 28th KAIF/KNS Annual Conference; Jeju Island; South Korea; 14 April 2013 through 18 April 2013, p. 631-639
Paper in proceeding

On the dependence of the noise amplitude on the correlation length of inlet temperature fluctuations in PWRs

Florian Zylbersztejn, Hoai Nam Tran, Imre Pazsit et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 57, p. 134-141
Journal article

Analytical investigation of the properties of the neutron noise induced by vibrating absorber and fuel rods

Anders Jonsson, Hoai Nam Tran, Victor Dykin et al
Kerntechnik. Vol. 77 (5), p. 371-380
Journal article

Neutron noise calculations in a hexagonal geometry and comparison with analytical solutions

Hoai Nam Tran, Christophe Demaziere
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors 2012, PHYSOR 2012: Advances in Reactor Physics, Knoxville, TN, USA, April 15-20, 2012, American Nuclear Society. Vol. 5, p. 4107-4119
Paper in proceeding

Neutronic characteristics of an OTTO refueling PBMR

Hoai Nam Tran, Van Khanh Hoang
Nuclear Engineering and Design. Vol. 253, p. 269-276
Journal article

Fuel burnup performance of an OTTO refueling pebble bed reactor with burnable poison loading

Hoai Nam Tran
Progress in Nuclear Energy. Vol. 60, p. 47-52
Journal article

Core characteristics of an OTTO refueling pebble bed reactor and comparison with a multi-pass scheme

Hoai Nam Tran, Van Khanh Hoang
Proc. 6th Int. Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology HTR2012
Paper in proceeding

Neutron noise calculations using the Analytical Nodal Method and comparisons with analytical solutions

Viktor Larsson, Christophe Demaziere, Imre Pazsit et al
Annals of Nuclear Energy. Vol. 38 (4), p. 808-816
Journal article

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