Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Annual Research Report 2016-17
Report, 2017
1. Further development and improvement of the coupled coarse-fine mesh CORE SIM-based model;
2. Further investigation of the point-kinetic component of the noise induced by fuel assembly vibrations;
3. Analysis of new ex-core measurements, taken in R-4 after power increase;
4. Further development and test of the mode separation model as applied to 3-D “wobbling” type or “tilting” type core-barrel vibrations;
5. A basic study in neutron noise theory which could provide some indirect support for the determination of the void fraction from neutron noise measurements;
6. A pilot study of the possibility of using fission chambers for zero power noise experiments.
The work was performed at the Nuclear Engineering Group of the Division of Subatomic and Plasma Physics, Chalmers University of Technology by Imre Pázsit (project co-ordinator), Cristina
Montalvo (visitor from the Technical University of Madrid), Hoai-Nam Tran (research collaborator from Duy Tan University, Vietnam), Omar Alejandro Olvera Guerrero (visitor, PhD student at UAM/Autonomus Metropolitan University, Mexico City, Mexico) and Henrik Nylén, the contact person at Ringhals. The measurements reported in Chapter 6 were designed and executed by our collaborating partners in EPFL/PSI, Mathieu Hursin, Oskari Pakari and Vincent Lamirand.
Reactor diagnostics
Noise analsys
core-barrel motion
Imre Pazsit
Chalmers, Physics, Subatomic and Plasma Physics
Cristina Montalvo
Technical University of Madrid
Hoai Nam Tran
Henrik Nylén
Ringhals AB
Omar Alejandro Olvera Guerrero
Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana - Iztapalapa
Subject Categories (SSIF 2011)
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Other Physics Topics
Areas of Advance
CTH-NT - Chalmers University of Technology, Nuclear Engineering: CTH-NT-333/RR-21