Carsten Hoever
Showing 31 publications
Contact stiffness considerations when simulating tyre/road noise
Investigating generation mechanisms of tyre/road noise by speed exponent analysis
Influence of the tyre impedance on CPX level used to evaluate tyre/road noise
Simulation des Rollgeräusches von LKW-Reifen für verschiedene Fahrbahn-/Riefenprofilkombinationen
The simulation of truck tire rolling noise
The simulation of car and truck tyre vibrations, rolling resistance and rolling noise
Numerische Simulation von Rollgeräusch und Rollwiderstand von LKW-Antriebsachsenreifen
Sound generation and sound radiation from tyres
The contribution of air-pumping to tyre/road noise
Predicting rolling resistance as function of road surface and tyre profile
Numerical Modelling of Tyre/Road Interaction
A Simulation-Based Parameter Study of Car Tyre Rolling Losses and Sound Generation
The influence of modelling parameters on the simulation of car tyre rolling losses and rolling noise
Parameter study of car tyre rolling losses based on waveguide-finite-element modelling
Waveguide-Finite-Element basierte Parameterstudie zum Rollwiderstand von PKW-Reifen
Numerical Modelling of Tyre/Road Interaction
Waveguide-Finite-Element based parameter study of car tyre rolling losses
Flaw detection using a selective Lamb mode excitation with phased array transducers
Untersuchungen zur Anregung geführter Wellen in Platten mittels Gruppenstrahlertechnik
Flaw detection with guided waves using phased array technique
Investigation of stress-distribution in a car tyre with regards to rolling resistance
Flaw detection with guided waves using phased array technique
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