Lena Hopsch
Showing 30 publications
Small Talk with a Grape Vine: Presence and the Sensuous Depth of Being
Embodied Rhythm in Space and Time: A Poem and a Sculpture
Origin and Destination, Itineraries as Phenomenological Narration
Discovering the Urban Identity as a Paradox within the Context of Globalization
American Walk, Between Earth and Sky
Reflecting the Sky Experience in a Japanese Garden
Intermezzo, Recognition Across Time, a Life-World Motif
Traveling, Inhabiting, Experiencing - A Phenomenology for Public Transit
Traveling, Inhabiting, Experiencing – A Phenomenology for Public Transit
Social Space and Daily Commuting - Phenomenological Implications
Projective Practice, the Body in Space Promoting Sustainable Urban Transport, A Case Study
Rhythm and Balance in Sculpture and Poetry
Ocean Journey -Between Horizons
Embodied Space - An Investigation on E.G. Asplund's Law Courts Extension in Gothenburg
Places, Spaces, Meaning - Experienced by Three Australian Walks
Shaped Space - Embodied Space, Borromini's Baroque Architecture
Perceptual/Spatial Unfolding: Body, Rhythm, Depth
Imagining Space - Embodied Narrative
Principles of Rhythm. Temporal and Spatial Aspects
Experiences and Expressions of Space – Space and Its Dramaturgy
Rapport från rytmsymposiet, Ågrenska villan, Göteborgs universitet, 22-23 augusti 2006
Rummet som rörelse och riktning
Rytmens estetik, rummet som dynamiskt tillstånd
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Showing 4 research projects
Hållbara och attraktiva stationssamhällen
Architecture in Effect - Social Space and Daily Commuting
Hållbara och attraktiva stationssamhällen
Projective Practices: The Body in Space-Promoting Sustainable Urban Transports - A Case Study