Hossein Agheli

Showing 24 publications


The role of well-defined nanotopography of titanium implants on osseointegration: cellular and molecular events in vivo

Dimitrios Karazisis, Ahmed Ballo, Sarunas Petronis et al
International journal of nanomedicine. Vol. 11, p. 1367-1381
Journal article

Osteogenic response of human mesenchymal stem cells to well-defined nanoscale topography in vitro

Giuseppe Maria de Peppo, Hossein Agheli, Camilla Karlsson et al
International journal of nanomedicine. Vol. 9 (1), p. 2499-2515
Journal article

A Novel Model to Evaluate the Influence of Well-defined Nanotopography of Titanium Implants on Bone Formation in vivo

Ahmed Ballo, Hossein Agheli, Omar Omar et al
9th World Biomaterials Congress June 1-5, 2012, Chengdu, China.
Other conference contribution

Nanostructured model implants for in vivo studies: influence of well-defined nanotopography on de novo bone formation on titanium implants

Ahmed Ballo, Hossein Agheli, Jukka Lausmaa et al
International journal of nanomedicine. Vol. 6, p. 3415-28
Journal article

MG63 osteoblast-like cell responds to nano pits and nano bumps

Hossein Agheli, A. Johansson, M. Johansson et al
European Cells and Materials. Vol. 21 (SUPPL.1), p. 33-
Paper in proceeding

Metal nanoparticle-enhanced radiative transitions: Giving singlet oxygen emission a boost

R. Toftegaard, J. Arnbjerg, H. P. Cong et al
Pure and Applied Chemistry. Vol. 83 (4), p. 885-898
Journal article

MG63 osteoblast-like cell responds to nano pits and nano bumps.

Hossein Agheli, A Johansson, M Johansson et al
Abstract, 4th Annual Meeting, Scandinavian Society for Biomaterials, Fiskebäckskil.. Vol. 4-6 May
Paper in proceeding

Influence of well-defined titanium-coated topographical nanostructures on bone formation in vivo.

Ahmed Ballo, Hossein Agheli, Stefan Gustafsson et al
European Cells and Materials. Vol. 21 (suppl. 1), p. 17-17
Paper in proceeding

A simple nanoplasmonic sensor with microliter sample handling

Laurent Feuz, Hossein Agheli, Anders Gunnarsson et al
European Cells and Materials. Vol. 20 (suppl. 3), p. 81-81
Paper in proceeding

Monocyte behavior on gold and palladium surfaces

Sara Svensson, Anna Johansson, Felicia Suska et al
Abstract, 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials, Lausanne, Switzerland. Vol. 7-11 September
Paper in proceeding

Nanomechanotransduction and interphase nuclear organization influence on genomic control.

Matthew J Dalby, Nikolaj Gadegaard, Pawel Herzyk et al
Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. Vol. 102 (5), p. 1234-44
Journal article

Viscoelastic modeling of highly hydrated laminin layers at homogeneous and nanostructured surfaces: quantification of protein layer properties using QCM-D and SPR.

Jenny Malmström, Hossein Agheli, Peter Kingshott et al
Langmuir. Vol. 23 (19), p. 9760-8
Journal article

Human fibroblast and human bone marrow cell response to lithographically nanopatterned adhesive domains on protein rejecting substrates.

C C Berry, A S G Curtis, R O C Oreffo et al
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience. Vol. 6 (3), p. 201-9
Journal article

Large area protein nanopatterning for biological applications

Hossein Agheli, Jenny Malmström, Elin Maria Kristina Larsson et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 6, p. 1165-1171
Journal article

Nanostructured Artificial Biointerfaces

Hossein Agheli
Doctoral thesis

Nanostructured biointerfaces

Hossein Agheli, Jenny Malmsström, Per Hanarp et al
Materials Science and Engineering C. Vol. 26, p. 911-917
Journal article

Nanofabrication of polymer surfaces utilising colloidal lithography and ion etching

Hossein Agheli, Duncan S. Sutherland
IEEE Transactions on NanoBioScience. Vol. 5, p. 9-14
Journal article

In vitro and in vivo response to nanotopographically-modified surfaces of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and polycaprolactone

G. Giavaresi, M. Tschon, J. H. Daly et al
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition. Vol. 17 (12), p. 1405-1423
Journal article

Study of Staphylococcus aureus adhesion on a novel nanostructured surface by chemiluminometry

D. Campoccia, L Montanaro, Hossein Agheli et al
International Journal of Artificial Organs. Vol. 29 (6), p. 622-629
Journal article

In vitro and in vivo response to nanotopographically-modified surfaces of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and polycaprolactone.

Gianluca Giavaresi, Matilde Tschon, John H Daly et al
Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition. Vol. 17 (12), p. 1405-23
Journal article

Osteoprogenitor Response to Semi-Ordered and Random Nanotopographies

M.J. Dalby, D. McCloy, M. Robertson et al
Biomaterials. Vol. 27, p. 2980-2987
Journal article

Morphological and micorarray analysis of human fibroblasts cultured on nanocolumns produced by colloidal lithography

M.J. Dalby, M.O. Riehle, Duncan Sutherland et al
European Cells and Materials. Vol. 9, p. 1-8
Journal article

Changes in fibroblast morphology in response to nano-columns produced by colloidal lithography

M.J. Dalby, M.O. Riehle, Duncan Sutherland et al
Biomaterials. Vol. 25 (23), p. 5415-5422
Journal article

Nanostructuring of polymeric biomaterial surfaces

Hossein Agheli
Licentiate thesis

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