Huizhong Cao
Huizhong is a researcher specializing in cognitive ergonomics, mental workload, and manufacturing digitalization innovation. With expertise in design and prototype-based experimentation, her work integrates human-centered design with advanced technologies. She focuses on assessing and optimizing mental workload in industrial environments, leveraging digital twins and XR platforms to improve decision-making, collaboration, and productivity. Engaged in the industrial metaverse, Huizhong's research aligns with Industry 5.0 principles, emphasizing sustainability and human-centricity. Her visionary approach redefines human-computer interaction, combining physiological assessment with immersive technologies to create intuitive, efficient systems. She is committed to advancing innovation at the intersection of cognitive science, technology, and manufacturing.

Showing 4 publications
Challenges and opportunities to advance manufacturing research for sustainable battery life cycles
VR interaction for efficient virtual manufacturing: mini map for multi-user VR navigation platform
The Creation of a Multi-User Virtual Training Environment for Operator Training in VR
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Showing 5 research projects
Scalable industrial XR trainings environments for battery production (XR-TBP)
Digital & Green Skills Towards Future of the Mobility Ecosystem (TRIREME)
PLENary multi-User developMent arena for industrial workspaces (PLENUM)
Digital work Instructions for cognitive work - DIGITALIS