Ilan Chabay

Showing 12 publications


From shouting matches to productive dialogue - establishing stakeholder participation in Polish fisheries governance

Christian Stöhr, Ilan Chabay
International Journal of Sustainable Development. Vol. 17 (4), p. 403-419
Journal article

Stakeholder participation and sustainable fisheries: an integrative framework for assessing adaptive comanagement processes

Christian Stöhr, Cecilia Lundholm, Beatrice Crona et al
Ecology and Society. Vol. 19 (3), p. 14-
Journal article

Wissenschaft und partizipative Politk in Umweltkontroversen - Die Fischereiwirtschaft in der Ostsee als Fallstudie

Christian Stöhr, Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
Wissen, Wissenschaft und Global Commons, p. 237-263
Book chapter

The role of knowledge, learning and mental models in public perceptions of climate change related risks

J.ab, Helgeson, S. van der Linden, Ilan Chabay
Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change, p. 329-346
Book chapter

Science and participation in governance of the Baltic Sea fisheries

Christian Stöhr, Ilan Chabay
Environmental Policy and Governance. Vol. 20 (5), p. 350-363
Journal article

Scientists’ Engagement in Public Communication of Science in Sweden

Olga Stepanova, Christian Stöhr, Ilan Chabay

Science in Participatory Governance of the Baltic Fisheries

Christian Stöhr, Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
IHDP Open Meeting 2009. 7th International Science Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change
Conference poster

MoleClues: Engaging Young People in Molecular Science

Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology PCST-10, Malmö/Copenhagen, Sweden, June 2008
Conference poster

Science Communication among Stakeholders in the Baltic Seas Fisheries Governance Process

Christian Stöhr, Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
PCST-10 conference (Public Understanding of Science and Technology): Bridges to the Future. Malmö/Copenhagen. 25-27. June
Conference poster

Fisheries Governance as a Tragedy of the Commons? Stakeholder Participation and Conflicting Knowledge Systems between Science, Fisheries and NGO’s

Christian Stöhr, Olga Stepanova, Ilan Chabay
Wissen, Wissenschaft und die Global Commons (Knowledge, Science and the Global Commons). Dresden, 06.-08. November
Paper in proceeding

Scientists in the Public Sphere: Motivations and Barriers for Scientists to Engage in Public Outreach in Sweden

Sebastian Linke, Olga Stepanova, Christian Stöhr et al
International Conference on Public Communication of Science and Technology PCST-10, Malmö/Copenhagen, Sweden, June 2008
Other conference contribution

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