Jingjing Chen

Showing 20 publications


Spectrum Efficient D-band Communication Link for Real-time Multi-gigabit Wireless Transmission

Vessen Vassilev, Zhongxia Simon He, Sona Carpenter et al
IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest. Vol. 2018-June, p. 1523-1526
Paper in proceeding

Influence of White LO Noise on Wideband Communication

Jingjing Chen, Dan Kuylenstierna, Sten Gunnarsson et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 66 (7), p. 3349-3359
Journal article

High speed optical interconnects with 850 nm VCSELs and advanced modulation formats

Krzysztof Szczerba, Tamas Lengyel, Zhongxia Simon He et al
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Vol. 10122
Paper in proceeding

An 8 Gbps E-band QAM Transmitter Using Symbol-based Outphasing Power Combining Technique

Sining An, Zhongxia Simon He, Jingjing Chen et al
Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT2017), p. 150-152
Paper in proceeding

Does LO Noise Floor Limit Performance in Multi-Gigabit Millimeter-Wave Communication?

Jingjing Chen, Zhongxia Simon He, Dan Kuylenstierna et al
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters. Vol. 27 (8), p. 769-771
Journal article

Experimental Verification of Phase Noise Robust Spiral Constellation for THz and Optical Communication

Changhao Du, Zhongxia Simon He, Jingjing Chen et al
Asia Pacific Microwave Conference-Proceedings, p. 426-429
Paper in proceeding

An Energy Efficient 56 Gbps PAM-4 VCSEL Transmitter Enabled by a 100 Gbps Driver in 0.25 µm InP DHBT Technology

Jingjing Chen, Zhongxia Simon He, Tamas Lengyel et al
Journal of Lightwave Technology. Vol. 34 (21), p. 954-4964
Journal article

A 40 Gbps DQPSK Modem for Millimeter-wave Communications

Sining An, Jingjing Chen, Zhongxia Simon He et al
Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings APMC 2015. Vol. 1
Paper in proceeding

Demonstration of analog millimeter-wave fronthaul for 64-QAM LTE transmission

Jingjing Chen, Bengt-Erik Olsson, Jonas Hansryd et al
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference
Paper in proceeding

A Hardware Efficient Implementation of a Digital Baseband Receiver for High-Capacity Millimeter-Wave Radios

Zhongxia Simon He, Jingjing Chen, Christer Svensson et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 63 (5), p. 1683-1692
Journal article

A data-rate adaptable modem solution for millimeter-wave wireless fronthaul networks

Jingjing Chen, Zhongxia Simon He, Yinggang Li et al
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communication Workshop, ICCW 2015, p. 1-6
Paper in proceeding

A high speed power detector for D-band communication

Mingquang Bao, Jingjing Chen, Roman Kozhuharov et al
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. Vol. 62 (7), p. 1515 -1523
Journal article

Experimental demonstration of RF-pilot-based phase noise mitigation for millimeter-wave systems

Jingjing Chen, Bengt-Erik Olsson, A. Persson et al
IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, p. Art. no. 6965978-
Paper in proceeding

10 Gbps 16QAM transmission over a 70/80 GHz (E-band) radio test-bed

Jingjing Chen, Zhongxia Simon He, Lei Bao et al
European Microwave Week 2012: "Space for Microwaves", EuMW 2012, Conference Proceedings - 7th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, EuMIC 2012, p. 556-559
Paper in proceeding

An FPGA-based 5Gbit/s D-QPSK modem for E-band point-to-point radios

Zhongxia Simon He, Wen Wu, Jingjing Chen et al
European microwave conference (EuMC)
Paper in proceeding

An FPGA-based 5 Gbit/s D-QPSK modem for E-band point-to-point radios

Zhongxia Simon He, Wen Wu, Jingjing Chen et al
14th European Microwave Week 2011: "Wave to the Future", EuMW 2011 - 41st EuropeanMicrowave Conference, EuMC 2011, Manchester, 10 October 2011 through 13 October 2011, p. 690-692
Paper in proceeding

A novel FPGA-based 2.5Gbps DQPSK modem for high capacity microwave radios

Zhongxia Simon He, Jingjing Chen, Yinggang Li et al
International Conference of Communications (ICC2010)
Paper in proceeding

A simple DBPSK modem based on high-speed logical gates for a 70/80 GHz GbE microwave link

Jonas Hansryd, Jingjing Chen, Yinggang Li
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC 2010-Spring)
Paper in proceeding

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