Jingjing Chen
Visar 20 publikationer
Spectrum Efficient D-band Communication Link for Real-time Multi-gigabit Wireless Transmission
Influence of White LO Noise on Wideband Communication
High speed optical interconnects with 850 nm VCSELs and advanced modulation formats
Multi-Gigabaud Millimeter-Wave Communication - Challenges and Solutions
An 8 Gbps E-band QAM Transmitter Using Symbol-based Outphasing Power Combining Technique
Does LO Noise Floor Limit Performance in Multi-Gigabit Millimeter-Wave Communication?
A 40 Gbps DQPSK Modem for Millimeter-wave Communications
Multi-Gigabit Radio System Demonstrators for Next Generation Mobile Networks
Demonstration of analog millimeter-wave fronthaul for 64-QAM LTE transmission
A data-rate adaptable modem solution for millimeter-wave wireless fronthaul networks
A high speed power detector for D-band communication
Experimental demonstration of RF-pilot-based phase noise mitigation for millimeter-wave systems
10 Gbps 16QAM transmission over a 70/80 GHz (E-band) radio test-bed
An FPGA-based 5Gbit/s D-QPSK modem for E-band point-to-point radios
An FPGA-based 5 Gbit/s D-QPSK modem for E-band point-to-point radios
A novel FPGA-based 2.5Gbps DQPSK modem for high capacity microwave radios
A simple DBPSK modem based on high-speed logical gates for a 70/80 GHz GbE microwave link
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