Johan Tykesson

Associate Professor at Analysis and Probability Theory

My area of research is probability theory, more specifically percolation theory.

Image of Johan Tykesson

Showing 22 publications


Percolation for two-dimensional excursion clouds and the discrete Gaussian free field

A. Drewitz, Olof Elias, A. Prévost et al
Electronic Journal of Probability. Vol. 29
Journal article

The fractal cylinder process: Existence and connectivity phase transitions

Erik Broman, Olof Elias, Filipe Mussini et al
Annals of Applied Probability. Vol. 31 (5), p. 2192-2243
Journal article

Generalized Divide and Color models

Jeffrey Steif, Johan Tykesson
Alea. Vol. 16 (2), p. 899-955
Journal article

Visibility in the vacant set of the Brownian interlacements and the Brownian excursion process

Olof Elias, Johan Tykesson
Alea. Vol. 16 (2), p. 1007-1028
Journal article

Gilbert's disc model with geostatistical marking

Daniel Ahlberg, Johan Tykesson
Advances in Applied Probability. Vol. 50 (4), p. 1075-1094
Journal article

The existence phase transition for two Poisson random fractal models

Erik Broman, Johan Jonasson, Johan Tykesson
Electronic Communications in Probability. Vol. 22
Journal article

What may be learnt in ethics? Varieties of conceptions of ethical competence to be taught in compulsory school

Christina Osbeck, Olof Franck, Annika Lilja et al
The 44th NERA Conference, 9-11 Mars, Helsinki.
Other conference contribution

Connectedness of Poisson cylinders in Euclidean space

Erik Broman, Johan Tykesson
Annales de linstitut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics. Vol. 52 (1), p. 102-126
Journal article

Ethical competence as displayed in utterances of pupils

Christina Osbeck, Johan Tykesson
NERA Helsinki 2016-03-09 - 2016-03-11, Symposium: What may be learnt in ethics? Varieties of conceptions of ethical competence to be taught in compulsory school
Other conference contribution

What may be learnt in ethics? Varieties of conceptions of ethical competence to be taught in compulsory school

Olof Franck, Annika Lilja, Annika Lindskog et al
The 5th NoFa-Conference (Nordisk Fagdidaktisk konferens), Helsinki, Finland, 27-29 May
Other conference contribution

Poisson cylinders in hyperbolic space

Erik Broman, Johan Tykesson
Electronic Journal of Probability. Vol. 20, p. 1-25
Journal article

Bernoulli and self-destructive percolation on non-amenable graphs

Daniel Ahlberg, Vladas Sidoravicius, Johan Tykesson
Electronic Communications in Probability. Vol. 19, p. article 40-
Journal article

Random interlacements and amenability

Augusto Teixeira, Johan Tykesson
Annals of Applied Probability. Vol. 23 (3), p. 923-956
Journal article

Asymptotics of visibility in the hyperbolic plane

Johan Tykesson, Pierre Calka
Advances in Applied Probability. Vol. 45 (2), p. 332-350
Journal article

On the easiest way to connect k points in the random interlacements process

Johan Tykesson, Hubert Lacoin
Alea. Vol. 10 (1), p. 505-524
Journal article

Percolation in the vacant set of Poisson cylinders

Johan Tykesson, David Windisch
Probability Theory and Related Fields. Vol. 154 (1-2), p. 165-191
Journal article

Geometry of the random interlacement

Johan Tykesson, Eviatar Procaccia
Electronic Communications in Probability. Vol. 16, p. 528-544
Journal article

Visibility to infinity in the hyperbolic plane, despite obstacles

I. Benjamini, Johan Jonasson, O. Schramm et al
Alea. Vol. 6, p. 323-342
Journal article

Continuum Percolation at and above the Uniqueness Threshold on Homogeneous Spaces

Johan Tykesson
Journal of Theoretical Probability. Vol. 22 (2), p. 402-417
Journal article

Continuum Percolation in non-Euclidean Spaces

Johan Tykesson
Doctoral thesis

The number of unbounded components in the Poisson Boolean model of continuum percolation in hyperbolic space

Johan Tykesson
Electronic Journal of Probability. Vol. 12, p. 1379-1401
Journal article

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