Josefin Persdotter

Postdoc at Science, Technology and Society 01

Josefin Persdotter holds a PhD in Sociology and works as a postdoctoral researcher in the Science, Technology, and Society (STS) division at the Department of Technology Management and Economics. Her research primarily focuses on hygiene technologies and menstruation.

In an ongoing postdoctoral project (FORMAS 2025–2027), Persdotter compares Swedish and Finnish bathroom standards and their impact on menstruating individuals. Central to the study is the bidet shower, a standard feature in Finland (and many other countries) but virtually unknown in Sweden. The bidet shower is known to have positive effects for both menstruating individuals and the environment. Why did this hygiene technology gain acceptance in Finland but not in Sweden? How does the shower affect the quality of life for menstruants?

In her doctoral dissertation, Menstrual Dirt (2022), at the University of Gothenburg, Persdotter explored how menstruation is perceived as dirty in the interaction between humans and technology, and how hygiene technologies shape the experience of being a woman and a menstruant. The dissertation centered technologies such as sanitary pads and menstrual cups and was awarded the Swedish Sociological Association’s prize for best dissertation. Vetenskapsradion also featured an episode about the dissertation, which is available on the Sveriges Radio website.

Persdotter serves on the board of the Society for Menstrual Cycle Research and, together with a research team, runs the network Menstrual Studies in Scandinavia.

Outside academia, Persdotter recently co-authored a handbook on adapting workplace environments for menstruation and menopause, in collaboration with the organization MENSEN – Forum for Menstruation.

Image of Josefin Persdotter

Showing 3 publications


En handbok för att integrera mens och klimakteriet i arbetsmiljöarbetet

Josefin Persdotter, Rebecka Hallencreutz

Det utökade HPV-vaccinationsprogrammet: en fråga om folkhälsa

Ylva Odenbring, Lisa Lindén, Josefin Persdotter
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift. Vol. 101 (1), p. 88-89
Journal article

Exploring Critical Menstrual Studies in the Nordic Region: The Importance of Local Specificities

Matleena Frisk, Lise Ulrik Andreassen, Mie Kusk Søndergaard et al
Nursing Clio
Journal article

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Showing 1 research projects


Menstrual Needs and Toilet Room Standards: A Comparative Study of Finland and Sweden

Josefin Persdotter Science, Technology and Society

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