Steven Jones

Showing 13 publications


Directional Control of Transient Flows Generated by Thermoplasmonic Bubble Nucleation

Pantea Dara, Mohammad Mahdi Shanei, Steven Jones et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 127 (35), p. 17454-17459
Journal article

Microscopic metavehicles powered and steered by embedded optical metasurfaces

Daniel Andrén, Denis Baranov, Steven Jones et al
Nature Nanotechnology. Vol. 16 (9), p. 970-974
Journal article

Strong Transient Flows Generated by Thermoplasmonic Bubble Nucleation

Steven Jones, Daniel Andrén, Tomasz Antosiewicz et al
ACS Nano. Vol. 14 (12), p. 17468-17475
Journal article

Low-Loss Hybrid High-Index Dielectric Particles on a Mirror for Extreme Light Confinement

Aili Maimaiti, Partha Patrim Patra, Steven Jones et al
Advanced Optical Materials. Vol. 8 (6)
Journal article

Mass Transport via Thermoplasmonics

Steven Jones
Doctoral thesis

Nanoscale Inorganic Motors Driven by Light: Principles, Realizations, and Opportunities

Hana Jungová, Daniel Andrén, Steven Jones et al
Chemical Reviews. Vol. 120 (1), p. 269-287
Review article

Optical Rotation and Thermometry of Laser Tweezed Silicon Nanorods

Pawel Karpinski, Steven Jones, Hana Jungová et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 20 (9), p. 6494-6501
Journal article

Surface Interactions of Gold Nanoparticles Optically Trapped against an Interface

Daniel Andrén, Nils Odebo Länk, Hana Jungová et al
Journal of Physical Chemistry C. Vol. 123 (26), p. 16406-16414
Journal article

Ultrafast Modulation of Thermoplasmonic Nanobubbles in Water

Steven Jones, Daniel Andrén, Tomasz Antosiewicz et al
Nano Letters. Vol. 19 (11), p. 8294-8302
Journal article

Thermoplasmonic Effects in Microfluidic Systems

Steven Jones
Licentiate thesis

Photothermal Heating of Plasmonic Nanoantennas: Influence on Trapped Particle Dynamics and Colloid Distribution

Steven Jones, Daniel Andrén, Pawel Karpinski et al
ACS Photonics. Vol. 5 (7), p. 2878-2887
Journal article

Optically controlled stochastic jumps of individual gold nanorod rotary motors

Lei Shao, Daniel Andrén, Steven Jones et al
Physical Review B. Vol. 98 (8)
Journal article

Counter-Propagating Optical Trapping of Resonant Nanoparticles Using a Uniaxial Crystal

Pawel Karpinski, Steven Jones, Daniel Andrén et al
Laser and Photonics Reviews. Vol. 12 (9)
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